Yellow-Dog-Man / Locale

Locale files for Resonite
MIT License
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Rework and update Dutch (NL) translation #337

Open coolymike opened 2 months ago

coolymike commented 2 months ago

This is a (draft) PR to completely rework and update the Dutch locale.

The translation currently in the upstream repository was made by directly copy-pasting output from several translator programs, which results in many grammatical, spelling, context and inconsistency errors.

The nl.json file in this PR includes "comments" marked like // TODO (word1, word2). These "TODO"s exist to mark a word or sentence as "needs proper/consistent translation or needs further discussion". Many of these are marked TODO to discuss a consistent translation, like "equip". As of starting this PR, 338 lines are marked as "TODO".

The Store/nl directory should be as good as finished, but as all other parts of this PR, is still up for discussion.

If there's a single specific line you'd want to discuss, please use the GitHub code commenting feature.