Yellow-Dog-Man / Locale

Locale files for Resonite
MIT License
26 stars 91 forks source link

th: skeleton file for thai language #345

Closed xhayper closed 1 month ago

xhayper commented 1 month ago

Closes #338

Frooxius commented 1 month ago

Is this ready to be merged? It's marked as draft, so I haven't touched it yet.

The way languages are added to the list is simply by just adding the new language file, so merging this in will do that.

xhayper commented 1 month ago

Skeleton file is ready for merging, i have been busy recently due to school so i havent been adding that much translation.

Frooxius commented 1 month ago

Sweet thank you! Merging in!

xhayper commented 1 month ago

By the way, you guys need to add thai unicode character to the game. Range is 'U+0E00-U+0E7F'.

ProbablePrime commented 1 month ago

We're working on it, thanks!