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Better onboarding flow after tutorial is completed #109

Open gentlecolts opened 10 months ago

gentlecolts commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug?

Resonite needs to invest in flow for getting people into avatars and exploring content faster. One of the common first questions people have after completing the tutorial is “how do I import an avatar”, or “Where do I find avatars”. The mentor program helps with this to an extent, but simply cannot be expected to scale with a growing userbase.

To Reproduce

observed interacting with new users

Expected behavior

Once users are acclimated to the basics of interacting with the platform, the flow should focus on funneling them into finding, saving, and importing content, as well as interacting with the inventory, discovering content, etc. There should be a reasonable expectation that a typical solo player could discover all of what Resonite has to offer without ever having to interact with another user. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who isn’t necessarily tech-literate, perhaps not even a VR user, who happened to hear of this platform on social media and is going in mostly blind, how do we get to the point of empowering them to be their virtual self purely through the “default” experience. I’ve personally observed many users that are somewhat foreign to the idea of file management/inventory, perhaps the tutorials could be augmented to present the inventory in a game-like way. I also note that other popular platforms, once a user has completed the platform’s tutorial, are dropped into content hubs and immediately exposed to effective discovery features, removing the need for supervision. In conclusion, while I do see the mentor program as an effective bandaid at the platform’s current scale, the need for the program is a bug, not a feature, at least as far as the scope of the “average user” is concerned, and mentors will eventually become overburdened as the platform starts to see more explosive growth, as it has in the past.


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AzureTheBat commented 10 months ago

+1 to this. Though I feel like there should be some more prioritization on getting more robust avatar setup into the platform, so users have an avatar to feel comfortable in and have a better tutorial experience. Perhaps it would be a good place to demonstrate the inspector and tool tips. Or even have some sort of simple "wizard" created, something similar to how the avatar rigging or full body tracking setup is done. Something with a simple UI that is easy for people to get started. I know it won't benefit everyone, but I think it would help a majority of new players bringing their own avatars into the game to get started. I know a majority of friends and acquaintances trying this current platform and the previous platform had complaints regarding the difficulties of getting avatars created. Those who did have their model added eventually had frustrations with the amount of time they had to spend and ended up having very little time exploring the platform.

I agree that the mentor program is definitely is a bandaid, even though there's a lot of great things that it provides for new users. For the current issues, it cannot be scaled quickly if the platform gets any sort of population boost. I don't think the mentor program should ever be removed, because there's a ton of benefits to having it. But the path to entry for a lot of new users is always a breaking point for anyone trying to get their models in game and leaves a bad taste in their mouth.

nargleflex commented 10 months ago

In the short time I've been talking to others about Resonite, the first and most common thing that is brought up is the friction that's experienced when trying to fit yourself into your avatar, and the second thing that is brought up is that they haven't given Resonite a second shot since they've tried it- I think the team needs to prioritize this issue if they want this incredible software to evolve past the clubhouse stage. Genuinely I have a lot of hope for Resonite, but it's going to be impossible to bring friends into this space if they can't feel good about the body they inhabit in the world!

The mentor program is a social feat that should be lauded, but we all know that there's going to be a critical point where demand for mentors will outpace the pool of mentors available, there flat out needs to be a more intuitive way of bringing your avatar in, my personal thought is that the team ought to pursue a means that 3d creators are already familiar with- working in an outside tool. Total pipedream, but a blender add-on that exports rigged 3d models with some additional configuration bundled in for resonite's needs would be incredible, but I understand that that's a big ask.

kulzae commented 10 months ago

A better flow to getting users to official avatar content (as well as making that content), and a more streamlined avatar upload process needs to be in place first because overwhelming an new user with the inspector from the start is a huge problem

sensoheiwa commented 10 months ago

Hello, I am one of the people that has given the previous platform a try and, upon learning that the avatar issue is still a thing, I have barely tried to poke in on Resonite. I have 21.9 hours on the last platform, I spent most of this time troubleshooting a single avatar. At the time, I didn't know many things about avatar creation or anything else along those lines and it was a major struggle for me. I had so many menus up at all times, so many things I didn't know anything about and so much trial and error. I kept going only because I had friend that played and showed me lots of things that can be done on the game, but eventually I decided to go back to the other games I was playing. The entire system felt like it was overly complicated just to be overly complicated, I hope that this gets fixed so that I can actually play the game instead of feeling like I have to constantly work on fixing small issues on my avatar because random thing doesn't work correctly here.

at-bat commented 10 months ago

Perhaps at the end of the tutorial it can offer to continue into another world for an Avatar focused tutorial with three segments in it like:

1. Avatar Basics -Equipping and setting your default avatar -How to emergency get out of an avatar -Where to find new avatars (perhaps some dedicated worlds exist for some free-use ones that are set up already for them to use?)

2. Avatar Setup Basics This could be a series of simple setup scenarios with a generic model that also encourages them to experiment.

Perhaps start with the basic avatar setup with aligning the headset and hands on a model on something fully ready to go. Then show them how to open the inspector and change the model textures/colors with some provided samples to show them customizations.

If you do this, I'd recommend making some dummy UIs that look like the real one but lock them out of playing with options or it highlights / points to specific segments for them to look at so it's less overwhelming to a new player. Most of my friends were intimidated by the inspector window and found it too confusing so you'll want to ease them in a bit.

3. Avatar Setup Advanced This should expand on the basics above and help someone who imports their avatar with common issues that arise in a series of tutorials such as: -using the inspector and dev tooltip -fixing head position -fixing the eye occlusion (I forget the proper term, thing that helps hide your muzzle/nose) -fixing hand / laser positions -changing materials/shaders and creating new ones -adjusting blendshapes -setting up basic hotkeys for blendshape/expressions

gentlecolts commented 10 months ago

I think those are good ideas, I like everything there, except the part about being more tutorial steps.

The flow, in my opinion, should look like

My key points here are:

  1. Keeping things short and organic, we don't want a user joining the platform and feeling overwhelmed or feeling like they're reading a manual, attention spans are short and different users will have different priorities too.
  2. Showcasing content even after tutorial is completed, which i think the default home world is a good place for.
  3. We don't want a user to ask "what do I do now?", "Where do I get avatars?", "How do I import my avatar?", any of these questions should be answered before they're even asked.