Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

Issue repository for Resonite.
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resonite kills my computer and eats my memory and cpu #1290

Closed charlie-sans closed 4 months ago

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug?

so, sitting in a world with like 3 of my friends working on my avatar like normal and out of the blue, the mirror just kills me and a one of my friends, we turn it off and it kinda returns back to normal but it was still worse then just not having it on in the first place

To Reproduce

just stand near a turned on mirror for some length of time, roughly 5 mins and the proformance is really bad.

Expected behavior

not kill my computer like it just did.


No response

Resonite Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

quest 1 using alxr

Log Files

performance.csv i used my pythonscript to grep my resonite task, ill go refine it soon and gives you all a link to the script.

the csv goes in the order of {'CPU': [cpu], 'Memory': [memory], 'IO': [io], 'CPU Affinity': [cpuaffinity]} roughly.

btw my recordings plus my computer going dead means resonite halted my cpu clock cycles for some reason. gonna atatch a debugger to it i guess?

Additional Context

No response


charlie_san resonite and discord

ohzee00 commented 4 months ago

a CSV file is not a proper Resonite log file, trouble shooting something like this is really difficult without such.

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

CHARLIE - 2024.2.2.1015 - 2024-02-03 17_57_46.log so the issue happened with mods but i am hopping back onto resonite without mods. ill do my best to replicate this issue and get a clean log

epicEaston197 commented 4 months ago

This issue is a little too generalized this could be a number of issues there's no real way to debug this

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

but my computer has never actualy done this, ill do my best to collect data for everyone on the dev team to help this issue become more degeneralised

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

GOT IT, I GOT THE LOGS. IT HAPPENED AGAIN CHARLIE - 2024.2.2.1015 - 2024-02-03 18_33_34.log

ohzee00 commented 4 months ago

I am seeing a exception in RenderTransformOverride OnPrecull spamming your logs at the end. I'm unsure if that's tied to your performance issues but that's all I can see currently

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

hmmm, could be #1291

epicEaston197 commented 4 months ago

@charlie-sans okay now we're getting somewhere now we have something that we can actually debug now if you could get a mirror and have an avatar that does not have any render transform overrides keep it open for about 5 minutes then switch avatars to an avatar that has a render transform override and see if your performance degradation pops up in either or

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

yeah, ill do it in the mornin as it's around 11pm

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

CHARLIE - 2024.2.2.1015 - 2024-02-04 09_40_13.log so, here is my logs for the horrid called a crash lol

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

moment i got into it, my game just shat itself

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

has anyone managed to figure out what happened?

shiftyscales commented 4 months ago

A few notes, @charlie-sans - there are several types of log files- what you've provided are what we call 'normal' log files in addition to that, there are Player.log files, and crash log files, each of which would be useful to gain additional context into this issue.

Additionally- it would be advantageous if you can minimize all possible variables.

E.g. is it possible to replicate this issue with the default head and hands avatar by unfavouriting your current avatar, and making use of a basic mirror, e.g. one created in the "Create New" menu of the DevToolTip.

Or does the issue only occur with a specific avatar/specific mirror?

How is the RenderTransformOverride set up on the avatar?

Additionally along with the above- if you can provide a replication world/records for replication objects that would allow other users to reproduce your issue, that would also be beneficial.

The simpler the environment you can reproduce this in, and the further you can isolate possible variables, the easier it would be to determine possible causes, and solutions for your issue.

shiftyscales commented 4 months ago

On an unrelated note- your most recent log file is full of warnings that you are out of storage space, and as such records you are trying to save are unable to be synced- I'd recommend also resolving that.

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

so i did some looking into it and it seems that one of my avatars are causing the issue. i'm not quite sure as to whats on it thats causing the issue for me, but if you want i can give you the resdb link?

shiftyscales commented 4 months ago

Does your avatar have any ProtoFlux, etc. on it, @charlie-sans? I'd recommend that you strip your avatar down as much as you can and try to figure out where the issue is coming from specifically.

But yes, having access to it in some form would help.

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

it has a afk ring but that just runs off components

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

even trying to spawn the avi out kills me

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

resrec:///G-pussafire/R-7b54eddd-ae50-42af-abc6-52d919aa927e here is the resrec link for ya

shiftyscales commented 4 months ago

I've left Resonite running with the avatar present in a gridspace world, and I've not been able to replicate this issue, @charlie-sans.

Memory usage actually dropped in the time I left Resonite idle, and I see no indication of a memory leak.

I just noticed the following in the log file you provided: 5:57:52 PM.921 ( -1 FPS) Loaded Extra Assembly: Libraries/ResoniteModLoader.dll

Per our best practices we require that issues submitted are replicable without the use of mods or plugins.

I'd recommend disabling all mods you may have and seeing if this issue still occurs for you.

Banane9 commented 4 months ago

I'd recommend disabling all mods you may have and seeing if this issue still occurs for you.

Only the first log file they provided has RML active, the other two don't.

They all have this in common though:

I am seeing a exception in RenderTransformOverride OnPrecull spamming your logs at the end. I'm unsure if that's tied to your performance issues but that's all I can see currently

charlie-sans commented 4 months ago

I've left Resonite running with the avatar present in a gridspace world, and I've not been able to replicate this issue, @charlie-sans.

Memory usage actually dropped in the time I left Resonite idle, and I see no indication of a memory leak.

I just noticed the following in the log file you provided: 5:57:52 PM.921 ( -1 FPS) Loaded Extra Assembly: Libraries/ResoniteModLoader.dll

Per our best practices we require that issues submitted are replicable without the use of mods or plugins.

I'd recommend disabling all mods you may have and seeing if this issue still occurs for you.

when i gave the logs, the mod loader was disabled and it wasn't in the launch arguments of the game on steam when i generated those logs.

troyBORG commented 2 months ago

Could be VRAMBytes: 3.88 GB Maybe the Mirror is increasing the amount of VRAM usage. And since you have such a tiny amount it probably running out?

charlie-sans commented 2 months ago

could be. i mean having a 4 gig gpu aint the worst but i got somethign at least