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World Randomly Crash's with multiple Multimedia players playing in loop #1514

Open RedStarHunter opened 3 months ago

RedStarHunter commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug?

The issue Occurs randomly and causes the world and everyone in that world to crash. it mostly random but i believe it related to the Audio setup i have with using multiple multi media audio outputs.

To Reproduce

This is the Jist of the setup. to switch the volume locally from one spot to another. I added screenshots to show how to recreate the Setup.

Expected behavior

Randomly. Any/All Audio Sources will loop Buffer and resonite Client Crashs.


image image image image image

Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?


Log Files

DESKTOP-DT4GHGS - 2024.3.12.1169 - 2024-03-18 08_17_47.log

Additional Context

No response


RedStarhunter, Darth Niklyx

shiftyscales commented 3 months ago

If the entire Resonite client is crashing- can you please check if any crash log files are produced, @RedStarHunter? And if so, include them as well. Otherwise- including the Player.log file would also be useful.

You mentioned that the issue seems mostly random- so why do you believe that the setup you included is responsible for the issue?

Does the issue only occur in multi-user sessions, or can it happen when you are on your own as well?

If you can reliably determine that your object was a cause for the crash, please try to simplify/remove as much as possible from the object while the issue is still replicable.

Likewise- if you can reliably replicate the issue with that object- please include a link to it in your report so it can be tested against.

RedStarHunter commented 2 months ago

Was busy with things i had to get some friend to get the crash report for me since this would happened to others. Also the world is public soo anyone can see it. Which it also happens to them aswell in there own sessions.

It is Flux/Componets setup. when i removed it. the issue was gone. The main issue is it's my only use it for the first area for a Music track local transition, from one track to the other smoothly and disable the previous one Locally.

Phant Crash report: message.txt

Leprox Crash report: DESKTOP-1A38QEM_-2024.4.3.1170-_2024-04-07_15_06_20.log

shiftyscales commented 2 months ago

It is Flux/Componets setup. when i removed it. the issue was gone.

Can you please isolate this into a replication object or world that exhibits the issue, and post the link to that content here, @RedStarHunter? Having a world, or object that can be spawned that consistently replicates the issue would help a lot.

RedStarHunter commented 2 months ago

resrec:///U-RedStarhunter/R-bfbc01c1-0760-4e38-a64e-119abfcbe293 Is this correct.

shiftyscales commented 2 months ago

I can't seem to open that, @RedStarHunter - if it's a world, make sure to edit the metadata and set it to be able to be opened by anyone.

You can do this either from the world orb, or from the worlds tab by browsing to the world, expanding the view, then clicking "Edit Metadata".

RedStarHunter commented 2 months ago resrec:///U-RedStarhunter/R-b8cebca7-c4a0-4400-af99-9e6b685809a6

shiftyscales commented 2 months ago

Have you found a way to reliably replicate the crashing behaviour, @RedStarHunter? I ran around the world from room to room as the music transitioned and haven't crashed yet.

Having exact replication steps for how to trigger the crash would be helpful.

RedStarHunter commented 2 months ago

In the situation for this it's Completely Random Specific and will randomly happened. you'll have to wait for it to happened. Like phant and leprox, one took 10 mins and the other took 1 hour or even longer. it is completely random when the crash happened but the audio que will happened, and the sound will go into a buffer Loop. just being in there and waiting is the only option. And the crash is specific this to this Flux/Componet setup.

shiftyscales commented 2 months ago

If possible, I'd suggest to see if you can figure out how to replicate it more consistently. If it is as random/infrequent as you suggest it is- how do you know for sure that particular component/ProtoFlux setup was what was responsible for the crashes?

RedStarHunter commented 1 month ago

When i tested this It. with this setup I used different worlds for example and friends sessions to see and test it. If you would like i can send the thing the whole thing direct to you via messages in resonite for you to take a look at it better.

It is also in the Phantasy Star Online: Episode 1 world The Image shows were it located. in the world.

RedStarHunter commented 1 month ago

A friend showed me this for here logs if this will help. error_log_I_think.txt

shiftyscales commented 1 month ago

Can your friend please provide the full log file, @RedStarHunter?

shiftyscales commented 1 month ago

The provided exception shows an exception in the NVorbis stream decoder.

On its own, however, I can't produce a crash in isolation using the clip referenced in that exception:


Multiple players all concurrently playing/looping seem to work without issue.

RedStarHunter commented 3 weeks ago

We figured out what was causing the crashes. Soo.. apparently Music files that are OGG causes Crash's when there set to loop Via basic setup. we converted them to wav and it resolved the issue.

Assist/track> OGG Format , Audio player, audio clip player.

But yeah with that to note. The basic setup can be used as a basic malicious tool to cause other worlds to crash.

RedStarHunter commented 3 weeks ago

Also the mention before it. it can be also used a s a malicious tool to cause worlds to crash even without knowing soo.

shiftyscales commented 3 weeks ago

Would you be able to produce a simplified replication world that exhibits the crash, @RedStarHunter?

It sounds like it might be some kind of decoding error or something that is throwing an exception which is causing your Resonite to crash.

As I had indicated above- I tried just playing the ogg files in looping players and it was working without issue for me- so it seems like there might be more to the issue than that.

If you could reproduce it again, could you please provide each of the Resonite log, Player.log and (if available) crash logs?

Information on the different kinds of log files and where they can be found is on our wiki: