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Users who are mutual blocked hosted sessions still apear in world browser. #1643

Open ExoTheWicker opened 2 months ago

ExoTheWicker commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug?

I have a user mutual blocked and I can still see sessions they're hosting in the world browser.

To Reproduce

Block someone who is hosting a public session and that world still apears.appears

Expected behavior

Sessions hosted by users you have blocked should not appear in world browser.


No response

Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.4.3.1170

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?


Log Files

DESKTOP-I5BSEJ5 - 2024.4.3.1170 - 2024-04-07 23_09_49.log

Additional Context

No response



JackTheFoxOtter commented 2 months ago

I would say this is probably intended? To me it doesn't make much sense to hide sessions based on if the host is blocked or not.

What would make more sense to me would be showing an information hint in the session browser when a blocked user is in that session.

shiftyscales commented 2 months ago

I don't believe this is a bug- the existing blocking feature is primitive in its design because having a simple option that was quick to implement was better than having no option for it at all. Additional functionality like warning users in the UI when a session has a blocked user in it can be handled later as extensions to the blocking functionality.

Frooxius commented 2 months ago

It's definitely not a bug - we didn't intend to hide the sessions.

The main question here is - should these sessions actually be hidden? Even if you have mutual block, there might be other people in that session that you might want to see.

While you can't join the session since you have blocked the host of it, it might still be useful to know where are other friends at, rather than removing this information.

TisFoolish commented 2 months ago

In my experience if a person blocks someone online the service will generally hide all details related to that person. As an example on Reddit if you were to block someone all their comments their posts even their profile is completely hidden from you.

And if your friends are in a session that you've blocked the host of then the game could just say "Blocked session of X User" instead of the world name that way the user still knows that their friends are all together and why they won't be able to join.

Frooxius commented 2 months ago

It depends on what kind of block it is.

With this, you're blocking the person (not a session), so you don't see them when you're in worlds with them, but I don't think that necessarily implies that you want to block out all the information where are people at.

If the information is reduced to just "Session of a blocked user", then you're losing more context on where your friends are at - what world they're in, type of session, easily viewable list of users and so on. I don't think it's given that user want to block out all that information when blocking a person.

TisFoolish commented 2 months ago

I personally disagree, but at the very least there should be something denoting that you've blocked the host

Frooxius commented 2 months ago

I think generally the best answer for this is configuration, so you can determine what you want to see and what not.

The current blocking functionality as it stands is made to be quick to cover most pressing use-cases. Because of that I don't want to make too many assumptions for the simplified system.

Draconas commented 1 month ago

I have a close enough problem that I don't think I would need to make another GH issue. -I was friends with "bob" -bob blocked me -I removed him from my contacts, however bob didn't remove me -as such, bob will show in the "contacts session" portion of the world browser I want this to not be a thing anymore, being advertised a session I'm not allowed in honestly blows

shiftyscales commented 3 weeks ago

@Draconas - Receiving contact updates from a user you are not a contact of sounds like a bug, but is outside of the scope of this request.

It looks like Easton opened an issue about that one here: