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Unilt material renders as checkerboard sometimes. #1760

Open art0007i opened 2 weeks ago

art0007i commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug?

I've noticed that in some of my creations an unlit material will sometimes appear as a checkerboard. After clearing the texture and putting it back into the material the issue is fixed, and I can't seem to get it to be broken again even after multiple game restarts.

To Reproduce

  1. Spawn one of the items that I know it can happen on, such as Bonk Sticks (resdb:///5d1163a53361fddfe75d96fdbca970b536d6ef474ec43be38237720076465f78.brson) or my Key Minigame (resdb:///f9ce5be7dbefc350106195af5daed31aadb91c8cd94c3ba98c969fd6fe92761f.brson)
    • In the case of bonk sticks, click on the platform and notice that the sabers might have a checkerboard particle trail at the tip
    • In the case of the key minigame after pressing the "FOCUS" button one of the keys should glow green, but if the bug occurs it will have a very barely visible checkerboard around it.

Expected behavior

The material doesn't break randomly like this.


here is a comparison in bonk sticks where on the top panel the bug is occuring (taken from this youtube video, and on the bottom panel a screenshot from my own game where the bug does not occur screenshot of bug vs no bug

Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.4.17.1420

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

No response

Log Files

I can't really reproduce this myself easily. If it ever happens I will definitely send a log, but it seems to be one of those bugs that never happens when you want it to...

Additional Context

This bug has been occurring basically since release, but I haven't gotten around to reporting it until now


No response

shiftyscales commented 2 weeks ago

Are particle trails the only place you've observed this issue, @art0007i? If so- I suspect the issue may be somehow related to particle systems/particle rendering more-so than with the unlit material itself.

Either way- having a reliable replication case and log files from a session where this occurred would help a lot.

Frooxius commented 2 weeks ago

Can you open the material in the inspector when this happens and take a screenshot of that?

art0007i commented 2 weeks ago

Are particle trails the only place you've observed this issue, @art0007i? If so- I suspect the issue may be somehow related to particle systems/particle rendering more-so than with the unlit material itself.

the other example with the key minigame has just a normal quad

shiftyscales commented 2 weeks ago

Okay- thank you- then yes, when this happens again it would be helpful to see the full material inspector so we can see how the material is configured/what variant is being used.