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Being far away from Root can cause usability issues with the dash #1922

Open epicEaston197 opened 2 weeks ago

epicEaston197 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug?

If you're really far away from Root your dash can become unusable or have Z fighting or clipping

To Reproduce

Go a decent distance away from Root if you play regularly it's the distance that inspectors start to become weird

Expected behavior

The dash should be usable even if you're really far away from Root let's say someone fires you with a knockback gun and sends you to floating point the UI needs to maintain its functionality in order for users to respond themselves properly and or leave the session without jesters



this one shows the setting description is slightly clipped out image

this one shows the settings menu is experiencing minor Z fighting image

Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.5.1.68

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?


Log Files


Additional Context

For context this is how far away I was when I started experiencing these issues since I'm the scale of 0.5 I experience these effects much sooner than other users who are taller image



shadowpanther commented 2 weeks ago

This is also visible in Froox's video demonstrating new texture settings:


Also, not only Dash is affected. I had troubles with other UIX interfaces like Inspectors.

JackTheFoxOtter commented 2 weeks ago

Related / similar to #494, which was closed in favor of #1292 Since this does affect the usability of userspace UI it might be a bit more serious though.

shadowpanther commented 2 weeks ago

Related / similar to #494, which was closed in favor of #1292 Since this does affect the usability of userspace UI it might be a bit more serious though.

And also happened for me in VR mode, though the effect is less pronounced because you almost never look at UIX exactly perpendicular.

JackTheFoxOtter commented 2 weeks ago

Related / similar to #494, which was closed in favor of #1292 Since this does affect the usability of userspace UI it might be a bit more serious though.

And also happened for me in VR mode, though the effect is less pronounced because you almost never look at UIX exactly perpendicular.

It doesn't have to be perpendicular. Even in VR the problem becomes pretty massive at a certain distance to spawn. In the recent Creator Jam dinosaur world, I was building a long distance away from origin, and I had to scale myself up to even make inspectors remotely usable again. (My default scale is .7)

Banane9 commented 2 weeks ago

Especially with the dash it seems like a "simple" fix, since the visual for it is passed through a camera, which can be rendered wherever (i.e. near root, where precision is highest), even if the actual position otherwise follows the in-world coordinates.

epicEaston197 commented 2 weeks ago

Especially with the dash it seems like a "simple" fix, since the visual for it is passed through a camera, which can be rendered wherever (i.e. near root, where precision is highest), even if the actual position otherwise follows the in-world coordinates.

I would like to keep this issue focused on the usability of the dash UI Z fighting when far away from origin is a known issue I do feel like the UIX of the dash can be globally positioned to world root that would give it much more precision and would ensure the usability of the dash

epicEaston197 commented 1 week ago

Almost forgot to include this