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Add user/join leave sounds #1926

Open epicEaston197 opened 2 weeks ago

epicEaston197 commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

The user join leave notification is really useful but I get distracted working on things or socializing so I may not see it it also looks really similar to the user online notification besides a small bit of text that says "user joined" at the bottom

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like a sound for user joining and leaving they will be two different sounds so that it's easy to distinguish between joining and leaving when you're not directly paying attention

Describe alternatives you've considered

Maybe creating a facet?

Additional Context

No response



shiftyscales commented 2 weeks ago

This would require sound effects from @LacyDoes, and implementation of it by either @Frooxius or @ProbablePrime.

Seeking input from @Frooxius - do we have a known list of required sounds we could provide @LacyDoes with for notifications that do not yet have distinct sounds?

I believe "New Session" is another new notification type without a sound assigned yet.

LacyDoes commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the suggestion @epicEaston197!

Now that I'm no longer ill, I can work on these! I'll likely get something over the coming weeks if everything goes to plan.

epicEaston197 commented 1 week ago

thanks this will help a lot

I've rendered a short video demonstrating how the sound should depict joining and leaving these two sound effects were used on multiple join leave interfaces created by the community don't know the sources of the audios

these two audios are purely an example i don't want these audios to actually be used

troyBORG commented 1 week ago

Can I add a request in here also to maybe have a string/URI field where you could put in a resdb link to an ogg file to you can overwrite it with your own custom sounds?

Like the: mod added?

shadowpanther commented 1 week ago

Can I add a request in here also to maybe have a string/URI field where you could put in a resdb link to an ogg file to you can overwrite it with your own custom sounds?

That's #1928, which seems to be blocked by the notification system rework (#1918)

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

@troyBORG - per our reporting requirements:

  • Do not hijack issues for another feature/bug, make another issue instead. Issues should never have comments of type "While you're at it, can you also do this?", it will not be considered and will get lost when the original problem in the issue gets solved

In this case, the linked issue shadowpanther included covers that issue.

troyBORG commented 1 week ago

@troyBORG - per our reporting requirements:

  • Do not hijack issues for another feature/bug, make another issue instead. Issues should never have comments of type "While you're at it, can you also do this?", it will not be considered and will get lost when the original problem in the issue gets solved

In this case, the linked issue shadowpanther included covers that issue.

Sorry didn't think about that. Also didn't know about the notification system rework. 😲

But I did notice in the update the user join/leave has toast only, audio only (which has none currently that I can hear), or both which only does the toast.

I was thinking if some users had already made join and leave noises and if new ones are created they may want to override it back to what they're used to and since the existing system I think is just hard linking to a resdb link for the sound file it plays, since we can edit stuff I thought it be nice to be able to see that url the settings is pointing to and just edit it if it's something we can see. Even if it's something where you have to spawn out the settings thing that's in resonite essentials and edit it to see those variables that could be in there but not visible, as kind of a hidden advanced settings to not scare away new users with to many advanced options.

epicEaston197 commented 3 days ago

Any updates on this issue? I'm just wondering if the sounds have been created but just not implemented yet

LacyDoes commented 3 days ago

Any updates on this issue? I'm just wondering if the sounds have been created but just not implemented yet

Sounds are currently in WIP rest assured!