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Adding Default Quality Presets within the Graphics Settings #1931

Open TrebleSketch opened 2 weeks ago

TrebleSketch commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

No, this is not related to a problem.

This is a feature request that I've spoken with a few community members about recently, since the introduction of the new UI system. For those who may not be knowledgeable with how all the different Graphical Settings work, not wanting to tweak/fiddle with every setting until it fits their need, it can be difficult to pick the best overall settings.

Not everyone would want to spend too much time to fiddle with the settings beyond what has already been set as default or whatever presets that the settings page already provides.

Describe the solution you'd like

Adding a new setting at the top of the Graphics tab that allows users to quickly toggle between Quality Presets, such as:

With the team setting the default quality presets for the graphics tab, or allowing users to select what they prefer.

A further implementation would be allowing user-saved quality presets (allowing one or two), if toggling between Desktop and VR. Unsure how this would come into play with Hotswapping (idk how the process is behind the scenes, but preventing users who spam the hotswap key to cause graphic settings to be changed so quickly that it breaks, that can be an edge case to be considerate of)

Describe alternatives you've considered

Alternatives would be showing the user what options CLEARLY would be better for improved quality at the cause of performance drops. While the settings page is quite descriptive, not a lot of text will quickly draw the user's attention on what to pick.

So if they see certain words highlighted in succession (or in the same colour) within the settings, they can just set it as that and forget, until they might be prompted again if their Hardware Changes (unsure if Resonite is able to detect that or collects that information).

Additional Context

Would this be worth spending some time to figure out? Is this worth the dev time to assist any future newbies who join and they wanna just set the quality settings and start playing?


Treble Sketch / @TrebleSketch Spoke with Venport (@dustysprinkles) and others about this

(sorry, I don't have a history of everyone who I've been in an instance with tonight, can't wait for VRCX but for Resonite some day <3)

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

Doing this properly would entail a lot of time and resources we likely can't commit to right now, @TrebleSketch. If we were a console title with a fixed number of SKUs for known hardware, it'd be easier to make/set performance targets/recommended settings, but with such a wide variety of hardware on the market, it is not easy to determine what optimal values will be for a given user's system.

Some settings hit GPU more than CPU, others might be CPU more than GPU and anything in between. We do not have the budget to internally benchmark Resonite on a wide variety of hardware.

1785 covers the visual need to show what a given setting does- but for now, it is up to the user to best set settings that meet their hardware needs, and performance expectations. Generally speaking, lowering values/turning settings off will increase performance, increasing settings will increase quality- but how much in either case also depends heavily on the scene the user is in.