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The ability to zoom desktop FOV with a button press #1936

Open epicEaston197 opened 2 weeks ago

epicEaston197 commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

When someone is looking at an inspector and I wanna get a closer look I don't want to get in their way

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like to be able to smoothly zoom in my FOV using a button press

Describe alternatives you've considered

Making a facet that covers your face with a camera then zoom in the FOV of the camera or editing the desktop FOV setting component

Additional Context

No response



shadowpanther commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if that's currently possible, but can't you make a facet to change the FOV setting on the fly? I know that toggles are possible, like changing the nameplate rendering settings.

badhaloninja commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if that's currently possible, but can't you make a facet to change the FOV setting on the fly? I know that toggles are possible, like changing the nameplate rendering settings.

The main problem with a facet is you can't read key inputs in the user space iitc

shadowpanther commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if that's currently possible, but can't you make a facet to change the FOV setting on the fly? I know that toggles are possible, like changing the nameplate rendering settings.

The main problem with a facet is you can't read key inputs in the user space iitc

You should be able to, as long as your code stays active (not in a disabled slot). I do remember making a self-mute facet before the mute key was introduced officially.

badhaloninja commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if that's currently possible, but can't you make a facet to change the FOV setting on the fly? I know that toggles are possible, like changing the nameplate rendering settings.

The main problem with a facet is you can't read key inputs in the user space iitc

You should be able to, as long as your code stays active (not in a disabled slot). I do remember making a self-mute facet before the mute key was introduced officially.

Well last I checked was years ago though I never saw a change log about that

shadowpanther commented 2 weeks ago

Well last I checked was years ago though I never saw a change log about that

Okay, I seem to be wrong here. Keyboard events are indeed not captured in Userspace. The setting itself is changing though.