Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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writing info to local file like blendshape toggles or boolean values for avatar parameters #1938

Closed alexderpyfox closed 1 week ago

alexderpyfox commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

so i wanted a thing that i can use to write values like when selecting a clothes or blenshapes setting via a custom radial menu that i made and have it be persistent without having to save that avatar in that state

Describe the solution you'd like

some sort of way to save values to a local file which is referenced to the avatar

Describe alternatives you've considered

i dont know really

Additional Context

persistent avatar toggles


No response

Frooxius commented 2 weeks ago

This is already supported through cloud variables.

alexderpyfox commented 2 weeks ago

how many cloud variables can be made? is there a limit per person? i want to use it for a lot of variables

alexderpyfox commented 2 weeks ago

maybe local cloud variables

stiefeljackal commented 2 weeks ago

how many cloud variables can be made? is there a limit per person? i want to use it for a lot of variables

@alexderpyfox Please look at the wiki page article Cloud Variables | Limits for information regarding limits per user.

alexderpyfox commented 2 weeks ago

should i make a new github issues for local cloud variables? also local is good if you want different values on different pcs for the same avatar

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

Can you please provide more context on what you are trying to do? What are you trying to set, and why is it important that the values are different per machine?

alexderpyfox commented 1 week ago

i made a new github issue for the specific thing