Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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Audio orientation is sometimes delayed on startup #1952

Open epicEaston197 opened 2 weeks ago

epicEaston197 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug?

When someone's talking to me and i look in another direction it still sounds like their voice is coming from in front of me for half a second or so

To Reproduce

I don't know it just happens sometimes

Expected behavior

Voice sound orientation shouldn't be delayed as to not cause disorientation


No response

Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.5.3.1229

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?


Log Files

DESKTOP-DAN95E7 - 2024.5.7.505 - 2024-05-16 07_17_20.log

Additional Context

I had earmuff mode on while I was experiencing this issue but I experienced this issue even before that was implemented so I'm suspecting it's unrelated



Frooxius commented 2 weeks ago

This seems very odd to me, I can't think of a plausible mechanism how this would normally happen.

Do you have any avatar ears overrides? Or anything like that?

We'd need a way to reproduce this or at least capture a video of this appearing.

JackTheFoxOtter commented 2 weeks ago

I've noticed this a bit in the past, it's especially noticable when you have low FPS. When someone is stading right in front of you and speaking, it can almost sound as if their voice origin is "stuck" to your face when you turn quickly, and will lag behind a bit before eventually being at the correct position relative to your view.

Frooxius commented 2 weeks ago

In that case that's just because of the lag. I don't think there's much we can do about that, as it's slow to update the position of their voice.

epicEaston197 commented 1 week ago

Do you have any avatar ears overrides? Or anything like that?

no I do not I do have a view override but that shouldn't affect my ears

epicEaston197 commented 1 week ago

In that case that's just because of the lag. I don't think there's much we can do about that, as it's slow to update the position of their voice.

I hope that there is "a" solution to this because this is very disorienting and when I was in the world I wasn't even at that low of FPS

epicEaston197 commented 1 week ago

I haven't experienced the problem recently even at low frame rates it just seems to happen randomly on launch

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

So for the times it does occur, @epicEaston197 - does it occur right from the start of Resonite being launched, as a persistent issue no matter the framerate, etc? Or does the issue present itself at some point after Resonite has been running for some amount of time?

epicEaston197 commented 1 week ago

So for the times it does occur, @epicEaston197 - does it occur right from the start of Resonite being launched, as a persistent issue no matter the framerate, etc?

Yes the issue was happening in I'm Erin's world that is literally a grid space with a cube with a carrot inside of it and some 3D text that says "no anime" and a little ticket dispenser that's about it my frame rate could not have been below 40 I remember my frame rate being smooth

because I usually remember if a world performs poorly

epicEaston197 commented 3 days ago

okay small update it seems to happen at random on startup restarting the game fixes the issue also frame rate does not matter you can be at 60 FPS and it will still be delayed I also figured out that this goes for all audio including audio streams and video players etcetera

epicEaston197 commented 2 days ago

@Frooxius I've added log files to the issue I haven't been playing with mods for a bit so I was able to get this log