Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

Issue repository for Resonite.
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Audio starts looping then Game crash after joining certain worlds. #1953

Open sveken opened 2 weeks ago

sveken commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug?

After joining some worlds after about 10-15 seconds the audio will suddenly break and start repeating the last 1-2 seconds of audio over and over. After about 30 seconds or if i interact with anything that causes another sound to be made the game will lock up fully and crash.

To Reproduce

Today i was able to reproduce it by joining a friends crated world, however i have been able to join it perfectly fine before. Nothing in the world has changed that i know off so it may be a combination of avatars/the world.

Expected behavior

I do not crash


No response

Resonite Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?


Log Files

THICC5000 - 2024.5.3.1229 - 2024-05-04 18_50_03.log Player.log

Additional Context

No response


No response

shadowpanther commented 2 weeks ago

@sveken for the crash, please also attach the crash log, it contains information about the crash itself, which the main log doesn't.

sveken commented 2 weeks ago

@sveken for the crash, please also attach the crash log, it contains information about the crash itself, which the main log doesn't.

There was no crash log folder generated. i have also attached the player log.