Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

Issue repository for Resonite.
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Desktop physical grab not working #1955

Closed Lewisvz closed 1 week ago

Lewisvz commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug?

Can't grab dynamic bones and some other items because desktop physical grab doesn't work. Only works in VR which is very inconvenient for testing and debugging.

To Reproduce

Try to grab a dynamic bone set to grab. Won't work.

Expected behavior

Should be able to grab grabble dynamic bone.


No response

Resonite Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?

Windows, Linux, Android / Quest

What headset if any do you use?

No response

Log Files

Nothing to see here.

Additional Context

No response



shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

Currently this is by design, not a bug- because desktop users have no native means to directly manipulate their hands, and reliably interact with things, we had disabled desktop physical grab to prevent accidental grabbing. Previously, physical grabbing was enabled in desktop, but resulted in a lot of accidental grabs. We could revisit re-enabling physical grabs if we were to implement a native desktop hand poser/desktop hand tracking.

Lewisvz commented 1 week ago

Personally didn't have issues with accidental grabs. However, that's why I originally asked for a toggle. It's a useful feature for developers at the very least. I used to have a mod for it however the creator of it no longer plays game and did not update the mod. Can we at least get a launch option? I don't understand why this needs to be so difficult.