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Distance from head setting for desktop finger photo #1978

Closed Dusty-Sprinkles closed 3 weeks ago

Dusty-Sprinkles commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

One of the avatars I use has a fairly large head, that when taking photos with the gesture on desktop obscure the lower half of it. This could be helped if there was a way to adjust the distance that the photo appeared

An example of what I'm referring to: 2024-04-29 23 31 23

Describe the solution you'd like

A slider or float input to define the distance away from the head that the camera will appear in desktop mode

Describe alternatives you've considered

Adding nearclip settings to the camera, though nearclip would make funny shots where I'm way too close to other people harder without turning them off every time

Additional Context

No response



shiftyscales commented 3 weeks ago

If I could recommend, the easiest way you could solve this issue for yourself would be to add a RenderTransformOverride component to your head bone to scale your head down in the UserView context, @Dusty-Sprinkles.

Dusty-Sprinkles commented 3 weeks ago

RTOs crash me so I can't really do that.

Also I already have a render material override applied to the avatar, but it doesn't apply to the finger photo camera

shiftyscales commented 3 weeks ago

RTOs crash me so I can't really do that.

This is covered under #269.

If you can not/will not use RTO, there is also the AvatarRenderSettings component which allows you to set a NearClip value to cull out anything within that range from your view.

As-is, I do not see the solution you proposed as being very suitable. There are other means to achieve the same result, and the proposed option has UX issues, e.g. say you put the camera distance a fair ways away and try to take a photo close up to it only to accidentally take the picture behind/inside of the target.

If you need to take a photo in desktop mode, you could also enter the freecam (F6) mode and fly up to the target you are trying to take a photo of.

Dusty-Sprinkles commented 3 weeks ago

I already stated that near-clip isn't really an option for that model, because to have a suitable near-clip to not block the camera I would have to practically blind myself to anything (usually have to set it as high as 0.2!)

But I don't play in desktop much so if you think people not being able to get good screenshots if their heads are odd shaped without going into freecam mode isn't a problem I guess that's okay

Dusty-Sprinkles commented 2 weeks ago

Honestly I'm still failing to see the UIX argument here when the solution would just be to put it back to 0, and if that is an issue it feels like saying "just do X workaround" when I'm asking to take a picture from my point of view is wrong? Like is that not degrading the user experience as much if not more than someone setting their offset wrong?