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Contacts+ sessions and lower show as Private world in discord #1999

Closed ExoTheWicker closed 3 weeks ago

ExoTheWicker commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug?

When a session's access level is not set to Anyone or Registered Users. It shows the user as being in a private world.

To Reproduce

With the discord-rich presence set to full set a session to anything lower than Registered users.

Expected behavior

The rich presence shows the proper session access level.


image image

image image

Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.5.7.505

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

Desktop and Index

Log Files

DESKTOP-I5BSEJ5 - 2024.5.7.505 - 2024-05-07 10_41_49.log

Additional Context

No response


ExoTheWicker (Discord and Resonite)

shiftyscales commented 3 weeks ago

From the perspective of Discord, and our API, this is technically correct. They are not a contact, and thus would not have access to that information from the API. The only expected sessions that should provide session information via Discord would be "Anyone" public (non-hidden) sessions.

ExoTheWicker commented 3 weeks ago

I think it would still be useful to have them displayed as

Private LAN Contacts Contacts+ Registered users Anyone

instead of just private.

TisFoolish commented 3 weeks ago

I don't think it's unreasonable to expect the Discord status to show that info when it's the user themselves that is giving that info, especially since "Full" implies that it's giving the full info, not a small piece of it. It'd be no different than the user manually setting their status to "In Res, Contacts+ World".

Edit: Maybe Full can be renamed to Simple and add a new Full setting that includes all of the info a contact would see? As an Opt-In setting, though

ProbablePrime commented 3 weeks ago

We have no way of knowing if your discord contacts are your friends or who they are.

As an example say I am in a contacts session with team members, we're discussing a super secret project. With this change the session name would leak to discord despite the fact that it would NOT have leaked via our systems.

TisFoolish commented 3 weeks ago

No one is saying that the session name, thumbnail, etc would be visible, just what the session requirements are. Plus I had also suggested adding a new setting that people would have to opt into to alleviate concerns.

If a person wants to be able to share that they're in a contacts+ world via the Discord Rich Presence setting, then they should be able to, just don't force it on everyone.