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Move URL input to the footer on video player #2003

Open epicEaston197 opened 1 month ago

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

Describe the Underlying Issue

The URL input being on the top of the video player UI can cover up a lot of things and be really intrusive having it be at the bottom is less intrusive (this is referring to not the UI being covered up on the video player but the URL input covering up parts of the video)

To Reproduce

The issue is with the URL input being at the top it's kinda intrusive and doesn't look nice

Expected Behavior

The URL input should be at the footer

Screenshots / Video

How it looks now image

how I would prefer it to look image

Additional Context

the top area should be reserved for the video title the reason why having the URL at the bottom is less intrusive is because that area was already reserved for UI elements and having the URL input there just feels like a natural addition and it doesn't cover up parts of the video at the top and generally feels cleaner

also videos tend to put less important information at the bottom of the video



shiftyscales commented 1 month ago

can cover up a lot of things

Can you give examples of what you mean by this? It seems to be entirely out of the way/off to the side/not covering up any other part of the UI.

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

can cover up a lot of things

Can you give examples of what you mean by this? It seems to be entirely out of the way/off to the side/not covering up any other part of the UI.

I'm not talking about the UI I'm talking about when a video is playing in the video player and you hover your laser over it the URL input covers a significant portion of the video

URL on top image

URL on bottom (this covers up a lot less of the video) image

shiftyscales commented 1 month ago

If the UI is getting in the way while the video is paused, I'd recommend focusing on that as the underlying issue instead, @epicEaston197.

I know that on my personal video player, I have modified the interface to only appear while hovering the laser over it instead of it always being visible/forced to display while paused.

This is primarily an issue because the shadowing and UI elements cover large portions of the frame in general, and sometimes I want to get a better look at something while the video is paused.

I'd think that'd be a better place to start with this issue, but, seeking input from @AegisTheWolf / @RyuviTheViali / @RueShejn.

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

If the UI is getting in the way while the video is paused, I'd recommend focusing on that as the underlying issue instead, @epicEaston197.

It's whenever the laser is hovered over or pause also it just seems like an inconvenient place in general for the URL input to be

shiftyscales commented 1 month ago

I haven't had an issue with it, but when I'm not actively using the video player I don't keep my laser hovered over it.

As mentioned above- I have had issues with it displaying just while paused though, and have removed that on my personal video player, however.

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

It's both that it covers up the video and I think it looks nicer i have the URL at the bottom on my personal one