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Need a accessibility update for VR mode when it uses WMR controller #2024

Open modimobeikete opened 3 weeks ago

modimobeikete commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Some people wants to play this game in VR mode. But for some reason, they can only use one hand to control. For example when someone's left/right controller has run out the power

Describe the solution you'd like

I want to use one hand to play this game. When one of my controller has run out of power. It won't influenced on my controls.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Maybe we can find a way to pack all the control settings to one controller when it detects only one controller.

Additional Context

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jae1911 commented 3 weeks ago

Some related issues: #540 #541

epicEaston197 commented 3 weeks ago

When making issues please make sure that the issue title describes the issue for example "users cannot control their movement when one controller is powered off" this makes it easier when going through issues

Resonite already does this somewhat when you have a tool equipped in one hand your other hand is fully responsible for movement but I'm pretty sure if I'm not wrong if one of your controllers loses power it will behave the same way

modimobeikete commented 3 weeks ago

I understand. I want to know if is ok for WMR controller. As I heard someone said WMR control can't be used fluently and it needs to change it in Steam VR.

modimobeikete commented 3 weeks ago

Besides, they said when they reach to the new world, the whole game will stuck. And the system will say not responding. I guess this is why they feel annoying about this.

Zyzyl commented 3 weeks ago

I use 1st generation WMR controllers and I have also used 2nd generation WMR controllers (the ones which come with the HP Reverb G2 headset) in the past.

I find it very easy to control Resonite when using 2 WMR controllers. I think the main difference from some other controllers is that the context menu and the Dash menu use the same button. Context menu is a short press while a long press opens/closes the Dash. This page on the Resonite Wiki has more some pictures with more information

If only one WMR controller is working, it is still possible to control Resonite in VR, but it is harder. I think it would be the same with most types of controller.

Besides, they said when they reach to the new world, the whole game will stuck. And the system will say not responding.

Without more information, I would guess this problem is caused by something else and not caused by their controllers.

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

Do you have any specific issues you personally are experiencing with WMR controllers that aren't covered by existing issues such as the ones linked above, @modimobeikete?

When one of my controller has run out of power. It won't influenced on my controls.

Can you elaborate on this? E.g. does it continue the last input (e.g. joystick) after being powered off?

As I heard someone said WMR control can't be used fluently and it needs to change it in Steam VR.

Can you provide additional context/information/pictures, etc. of the controllers in question? To my knowledge all existing WMR controller variants work in Resonite as-is.

they said when they reach to the new world, the whole game will stuck. And the system will say not responding.

We would need log files for this.