Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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New contact session notification notifies you when the user starts in local home #2035

Closed epicEaston197 closed 1 month ago

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug?

New contact session notification notifies you when the user starts in local home

To Reproduce

  1. Add someone as a contact
  2. Make sure you have the new contact session notification bare minimum is toast
  3. have the added contact start Resonite
  4. You notice that you still received the notification along with the session name (which is likely "local")

Expected behavior

New contact session notification should not notify me of someone starting in their local home



Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.5.7.505

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?


Log Files

DESKTOP-DAN95E7 - 2024.5.7.505 - 2024-05-17 15_21_03.log

Additional Context

due to how similar new contact session notification is this could potentially also affect the new public session notification as well



Nytra commented 1 month ago

logs are always required

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

logs are always required

okay I'll get them and add them to the issue my head moves at a mile a minute and I just wanted to report the issue before I forgot

Frooxius commented 1 month ago

How is the Private session started?

Can you see the Private session in the Contacts list shortly after it's started?

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

How is the Private session started?

Can you see the Private session in the Contacts list shortly after it's started?

In the contacts list it is always hidden but I receive the notification for it starting I occasionally see a notification that someone has started their local home and when I click on it I can't join them because it immediately goes private

Frooxius commented 1 month ago

Is this specifically for the Local home? Or does this happen for other sessions too?

How are the users on the other end starting the Private session? Can you provide reproduction steps for that?

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

Is this specifically for the Local home? Or does this happen for other sessions too?

Yes this only happens to the local world

How are the users on the other end starting the Private session?

Any future private worlds created will not be affected by this bug only local home

Can you provide reproduction steps for that

I'm not sure the replication steps that I provided should work

  1. Add someone as a contact
  2. Make sure you have the new contact session notification bare minimum is toast
  3. have the added contact start Resonite
  4. You notice that you still received the notification along with the session name (which is likely "local")

I've also attached log files it's a little big because I was just playing as normal but as soon as the issue came up I immediately closed the game

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

Alright I tweaked the issue with a new discovery this only affects the local home

Nytra commented 1 month ago

Probably related to

epicEaston197 commented 1 month ago

Probably related to #1359

The thing is if I click on the notification it's immediately set to private

ProbablePrime commented 1 month ago

I'm going to treat this as a duplicate of #1359 because sessions like this should not be producing notifications like that.