Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

Issue repository for Resonite.
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Seated Mode doesn't function properly while using the AvatarTrackingOffset component. #2051

Open ModernBalloonie opened 1 month ago

ModernBalloonie commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug?

If you are using seated mode, and your avatar has the playspace moved using the AvatarTrackingOffset component and you go in and out of seated mode, the offset doesn't make your view go back to how it was when using seated mode before.

To Reproduce

Add AvatarTrackingOffset to your avatar, and move your offset up. Go in and out of seated mode, notice how your view doesn't go back to where it once was.

Expected behavior

For seated mode to bring you back where your tracking was offset.


Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.5.7.505

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

Quest Pro

Log Files

DESKTOP-QBGCSAQ - 2024.5.7.505 - 2024-05-17 16_49_20.log

Additional Context

I'm going to be providing and selling an avatar base soon that uses AvatarTrackingOffset, which unfortunately this issue is kind of affecting the main selling point.

