Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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PhysicalButton does not fire Pressing pulses when held down with laser #2053

Open Psychpsyo opened 2 weeks ago

Psychpsyo commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug?

When clicking and holding on a PhysicalButton, the Pressing pulses on a Button Events node do not get fired.

To Reproduce

  1. Add a PhysicalButton to a box
  2. Get a Button Events node for it
  3. Drag a pulse display out from the Pressing output
  4. Click and hold the button with your laser. (mouse in desktop mode)

Expected behavior

Pressing should fire a pulse every frame that the button is held down for.



Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.5.7.505

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?


Log Files

I don't feel comfortable providing logs, especially for issues this easily replicated, because of the information they contain. Have a reproduction item instead: resrec:///U-Psychpsyo/R-281B5A25FC03E7152742BD92C46C1302FBA06B4DDC9344E93277DD2FC9B3D53E

Additional Context

TouchButton is not affected by this bug.


Discord: cameron5 Resonite: Psychpsyo

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

No exceptions seemed to be thrown by this setup. A TouchButton in the same configuration works as expected.

JackTheFoxOtter commented 1 week ago

I know LegacyButton doesn't trigger pressing events, but I was pretty sure PhysicalButton does. At least I didn't note it down on

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

It may have regressed at some point- but at the least at this moment, it is not currently working as expected for a PhysicalButton plugged into the ButtonEvents node.