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Support facial tracking with Virtual Desktop #2082

Open orange3134 opened 3 months ago

orange3134 commented 3 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

No problem, but this is an enhancement request.

Describe the solution you'd like

Virtual Desktop has the ability to send Quest Pro's facial tracking data. I would like to be able to use this feature for facial tracking in Resonite.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Use the VDFaceTracking MOD created by Zeitheron.

Additional Context

No response



Frooxius commented 3 months ago

Is there any documentation for the Virtual Desktop sharing this data?

It seems like it uses memory mapped files from the mod, but I can't find any documentation for this.

shiftyscales commented 3 months ago

Annoyingly I couldn't find any direct mention/documentation of how Virtual Desktop exposes/passes through the facial tracking data.

The closest I found was a VRCFT module to expose it via OSC from VRCFT.

So clearly there must be some way that it could be more directly passed from Virtual Desktop to other applications- I just can't immediately find it.

Although VRCFT OSC is already covered by #1843 as a separate issue.

Frooxius commented 3 months ago

I can work with the memory mapped file, but I was just wondering if there's actual documentation for it, rather than just looking at the code of existing implementations.

shiftyscales commented 3 months ago

I'll continue to dig around and see what I can discover.

Frooxius commented 3 months ago

Ok thanks! If there's nothing, that's fine, I can work with one of the implementations and make implementation off that, I was more curious if somebody was already aware of where this is documented.

webhead2oo9 commented 3 months ago

Hey there. I grabbed this from the pins on the discord for you. Forward Data needs to be enabled on VD.

private const string BodyStateMapName = "VirtualDesktop.BodyState";
private const string BodyStateEventName = "VirtualDesktop.BodyStateEvent";

public unsafe struct BodyState
    #region Constants
    public const int ExpressionCount = 70;
    public const int ConfidenceCount = 2;
    public const int HandJointCount = 26;
    public const int FullBodyJointCount = 84;

    #region Fields
    // Face Tracking Data, XR_FB_face_tracking2
    public bool FaceIsValid;
    public bool IsEyeFollowingBlendshapesValid;
    public fixed float ExpressionWeights[ExpressionCount];
    public fixed float ExpressionConfidences[ConfidenceCount];

    // Eye Tracking Data, XR_FB_eye_tracking_social
    public bool LeftEyeIsValid;
    public bool RightEyeIsValid;
    public Pose LeftEyePose;
    public Pose RightEyePose;
    public float LeftEyeConfidence;
    public float RightEyeConfidence;

    // Hand Tracking Data, XR_EXT_hand_tracking
    public bool LeftHandActive;
    public bool RightHandActive;
    public fixed FingerJointState LeftHandJointStates[HandJointCount];
    public fixed FingerJointState RightHandJointStates[HandJointCount];

    // Hand Aim Tracking, XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim
    public HandTrackingAimState LeftAimState;
    public HandTrackingAimState RightAimState;

    // Body Tracking Data, XR_FB_body_tracking, XR_META_body_tracking_full_body, XR_META_body_tracking_fidelity
    public bool BodyTrackingCalibrated;
    public bool BodyTrackingHighFidelity;
    public float BodyTrackingConfidence;
    public fixed BodyJointLocation BodyJoints[FullBodyJointCount];
    public fixed SkeletonJoint SkeletonJoints[FullBodyJointCount];
    public int SkeletonChangedCount;

public struct FingerJointState
    #region Fields
    public Pose Pose;
    public float Radius;
    public Vector3 AngularVelocity;
    public Vector3 LinearVelocity;

public struct HandTrackingAimState
    public long AimStatus;
    public Pose AimPose;
    public float PinchStrengthIndex;
    public float PinchStrengthMiddle;
    public float PinchStrengthRing;
    public float PinchStrengthLittle;

public struct BodyJointLocation
    #region Fields
    public ulong LocationFlags;
    public Pose Pose;

public struct SkeletonJoint
    #region Fields
    public int Joint;
    public int ParentJoint;
    public Pose Pose;

public struct Pose
    #region Fields
    public Quaternion Orientation;
    public Vector3 Position;

public struct Quaternion
    #region Fields
    public float X;
    public float Y;
    public float Z;
    public float W;

public struct Vector3
    #region Fields
    public float X;
    public float Y;
    public float Z;
shiftyscales commented 3 months ago

I joined their Discord and found some additional information in a support thread- in addition to the above, there are several example implementations- hopefully this helps, @Frooxius.:

For references on how to read this data you can use the following: C++: C#: Python:

shiftyscales commented 3 months ago

The developer had also made the following comments/recommendations on this matter:

ggodin | Developer — Today at 15:42 I would recommend to use OpenXR rather than the non-public MMF ggodin | Developer — Today at 15:43 games can query all the face/eye/hand tracking through OpenXR extensions

Frooxius commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the info! I'll just work with the code samples then.

We can't use OpenXR at the moment unfortunately.

DenTechs commented 3 months ago

Another note from Guy is that the MMF can/will be changed in future updates which will break compatibility, which is why he recommended using OpenXR extensions if possible as those wont be changed.

Frooxius commented 3 months ago

I understand that, but like I mentioned, we can't use the OpenXR at the moment.

DenTechs commented 3 months ago

Yup, i'm just giving context for why he said that. :)