Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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Align Userspace TipTouchSources to Worldspace ones #2133

Open alizardguy opened 1 month ago

alizardguy commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug?

The touch tip sources in the user space are positioned at an odd stationary spot which makes physical interactions confusing.

To Reproduce

Attach a physical button to a facet, spawn the facet into userspace, attempt to press the physical button with your hand.

Expected behavior

The tip touch source to follow my tip touch source in world space.



Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.5.28.94

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

Value Index

Log Files


Additional Context

This would be useful for users who want to create physical keyboards and attach physical buttons to their body facets.


alizard (alizardguy) Amplified (amplified)

paradoxical-autumn commented 1 month ago

I've experienced this myself, if I recall correctly, the touch tips on the (invisible) userspace avatar are rotated by 90°, causing it to be difficult to physically interact with objects (or impossible if you didn't know this)

shiftyscales commented 1 month ago

@Frooxius - would it be possible to copy the transforms/offsets for the TipTouchSource from an avatar in worldspace to userspace?

This would ensure visually consistent/coherent physical interactions with worldspace and userspace elements.

It would be similar to how the userspace lasers position themselves at the same position as worldspace if they are not too far apart.

I think this issue is better classed as an enhancement, however.