Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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Rig Transfer Tool making a bunch of blendshapes N/A for some reason. #2207

Open ModernBalloonie opened 3 months ago

ModernBalloonie commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug?

When I transfer some meshes, the list specifically on the skinned mesh renderer that I was targeting gets a bunch of N/A blendshapes for some reason. It doesn't happen if I switch the mesh out, only when I use the tool. Occasionally this doesn't happen, but for some reason, on some meshes, it happens. I'm not sure what's going on.

To Reproduce

Get a rig transfer tool, and try to transfer some rigs. Sometimes a bunch of N/A blendshapes will be added. I'll have to test more probably.

Expected behavior

For the rig transfer tip to not add a bunch of N/A blendshapes.


Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.5.31.202

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

Desktop, Quest Pro

Log Files

DESKTOP-QBGCSAQ - 2024.5.31.202 - 2024-06-01 17_13_30.log

Additional Context

This only occurs if you use the rig transfer tool, not if you switch out the mesh in the mesh renderer.



shiftyscales commented 3 months ago

It would be beneficial to see the full list of blendshapes on each of the meshes prior to this instead of just after to get a better sense for what might be going on, @ModernBalloonie. Is it the same number of blendshapes across both meshes? Are they in the same order?

shiftyscales commented 3 months ago

It would also be helpful if you could include sample meshes this can be reproduced with so this can be investigated further.

JackTheFoxOtter commented 3 months ago

This is already covered by #332 I think (make sure to give it an upvote! :D)

shiftyscales commented 3 months ago

It's generally preferable to have individual/separated issues where possible rather than monolithic "mega issues", @JackTheFoxOtter. You can link them together by including links to the other related issues within each issue- but where possible- it is still recommended to keep them as separate as they can be.

Otherwise, the issues are less likely to be prioritized as it turns it from a series of small tweaks and fixes into a massive overhaul/project.

JackTheFoxOtter commented 3 months ago

That issue is about overhauling the entire tool though. I felt it's much better to make a single issue with a lot of replication steps and examples rather than many individual ones, that makes it harder for people to find and vote for it.

JackTheFoxOtter commented 3 months ago

In either case all issues in that ticket are connected, as it's different ways the same code fails.

shiftyscales commented 3 months ago

overhauling the entire tool

Well then- you should also be pointed towards our reporting requirements in which it is indicated:

  • Do not request overhauls of systems, focus on the bugs or features you want. Whether or not to overhaul a particular system is something that the engineering team decides with the knowledge of the codebase, other issues and long term plans. If you specifically request a problem to be solved by overhauling entire system, you're much more likely to receive pushback on this. If you want to consider a number of issues for a single subsystem without specific solutions, you can start a discussion
JackTheFoxOtter commented 3 months ago

overhauling the entire tool

Well then- you should also be pointed towards our reporting requirements in which it is indicated:

  • Do not request overhauls of systems, focus on the bugs or features you want. Whether or not to overhaul a particular system is something that the engineering team decides with the knowledge of the codebase, other issues and long term plans. If you specifically request a problem to be solved by overhauling entire system, you're much more likely to receive pushback on this. If you want to consider a number of issues for a single subsystem without specific solutions, you can start a discussion

That's why we did point out all bugs and the features we would like to see added. But this issue by now is over half a year old.