Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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User Finger Pose Source disconnecting from Finger Pose nodes upon load. #2886

Open E-Parker opened 1 week ago

E-Parker commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug?

When loading avatars from the previous version of the game, the User Finger Pose Source node disconnects from all but one source. This is true for all of my avatars.

I believe this is an issue with upgrading from the previous version since reconnecting the nodes and saving the avatar fixes the problem.

To Reproduce

Load any object which uses the User Finger Pose Source node, saved in a previous version. All but one of the nodes it connects to will be disconnected.

Expected behavior

I expect the nodes to load as they were before the latest update.



As can be seen, the figure pose nodes are no longer connected. You'll have to take my word for it, I don't have a screenshot of the older version.

Resonite Version Number

Beta 2024.9.4.357

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

Valve Index

Log Files

DESKTOP-G8G1N3N - 2024.9.4.357 - 2024-09-06 00_26_34.log

Actions performed:

Additional Context

No response



Frooxius commented 1 week ago

Do you have a sample avatar or item we could use for this?

This is a bit odd, the nodes themselves shouldn't really be touched.

E-Parker commented 1 week ago

I can provide you with a Resonite package that was exported in the previous version. Before the latest update, this file was imported correctly and all gestures worked as expected but now it has the same issue. I can send you the file over Telegram if that is alright.

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

I'd recommend uploading it directly to this GitHub issue, @E-Parker. You can right click it in Windows and send it to a zip file which GitHub will allow you to upload.

E-Parker commented 1 week ago

I'm concerned about having my model uploaded, I'm not sure there's a way to ensure it's deleted after the issue is closed.

I have spent probably over a thousand hours working on this model and I really don't want it uploaded to a publicly accessible thread.

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

I see- seeking input from @Frooxius on what an appropriate private channel would be for file submission in this case.

E-Parker commented 1 week ago

any word on this from Froox? It would be more easy to just send over the file through some secure channel. If that's not possible I could try rolling back to the previous version of the game, recreating the bug then exporting a resonite package. It may have to wait another day or to though if that's the case.

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

If you're able to attaching a ResonitePackage (or public folder link) to content that exhibits the issue would still probably be the best option, @E-Parker. So if that entails creating a new replication object on an old build- I'd say go for that, please. :)

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

Spoke with Frooxius briefly @E-Parker for private submission of replication objects, it would be best to submit them to him on-platform if you have him added there, otherwise, sending them as a file in either of his Discord or Telegram.

However if possible, I still believe that a Resonite package / shared folder would be the best option to ensure the replication objects are not easily lost / can be found here easily in future.