Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

Issue repository for Resonite.
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Online notification spam #3

Closed ProbablePrime closed 7 months ago

ProbablePrime commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug?

"user is online" notifications are appearing multiple times in quick succession for the same user. This is causing issues as it is a distraction and annoyance for users.

To Reproduce

  1. Ensure you are contacts with a user
  2. Have that user use their status facet to change to away/invisible and then back to online repeatedly (You can also go in and out of VR using the headset presence sensor)
  3. Observe that you get a repeated notification of that user coming online

Expected behavior

I'd expect these to be throttled/de-bounced so that there is no spam.



Resonite Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?


Log Files

DESKTOP-KU2430F_-2023.9.9.315-_2023-09-14_18_47_24.log Here's Ryuvi's log from awhile ago that was doing it.

Additional Context

I am opening this to pre-seed common issues in our issue repository.

The team are aware of this issue and will address it soon, this issue is created to ensure it is present on the tracker when it goes live and ensure that we have a pre-existing place to send people to read about it.

Other notes(paraphrasing from Froox): We're going to fix this bug first before any other notification changes. No additional features will be added to address this until we have fixed the bug first. Examples of things we won't be doing include:

  1. Adding a setting to disable the notifications - This would be covered in another issue
  2. Moving the location of the notifications area - this would be covered in another issue as a feature request.


Pretty much everyone has reported this, far too many to credit a list.