Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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Client freeze when loading into world #3074

Open Uruloke opened 1 week ago

Uruloke commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug?

I am running a headless with a world I've created. I keep seeing people joining and then crashing out before they've managed to fully load into the world. Asking people what happened almost all of them say that the game client froze up and they had to quit the game. I've had this happen to myself as well once or twice but it doesn't happen to me as often as to some of the other regulars to my headless. Some people have sent me their logs as they crashed and it matches what I've seen in my own logs and across multiple people.

So what appears to be happening is the client loads into the world, it starts checking and downloading missing assets but then it gets into an infinite loop where it tries to access an asset (in one example a BC1 compressed image of resolution 128x72) but every time it tries to access it the result is a NotFound error from the servers. It will keep trying to download the assets despite them reporting NotFound until the client seems to freeze and the only recourse is to quit the game manually.

The world itself is rather large and I've got no idea what part of the world could be causing this. It's not a public headless so would need be added to the contacts list to be able to join. It seems to be affecting certain people more than others. Me for instance have only had it once or twice but some people get it multiple times in a row trying to join.

I've managed to find one user who doesn't use mods on their client who was okay with me sharing their log file.

To Reproduce

  1. Join the headless
  2. Observe the client freezes up while loading assets

Expected behavior

Assets loads correctly and the user can enter the world.


No response

Resonite Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

Vive Pro, Index, Quest

Log Files

AVA - 2024.10.8.1349 - 2024-10-12 16_01_50.log

Additional Context

No response


Uruloke, pupper626, Virerite and a couple of others

shiftyscales commented 1 week ago

Why do you believe that specific asset failing to load is responsible for the cause of the client freezing? If you remove that specific asset from the world- does the issue stop happening?

Can you submit the URL for the problematic assets you believe are responsible?

Uruloke commented 1 week ago

My problem right now is that I don't know what asset it is referring to and the logs seems to give random resdb links every time it fails. And it also doesn't seem to happen all the time. It's a random occurrence that happens more often for some people than others which prevents them from joining the world as the game client freeze up on them and the only way out is to force quit the game. Since the client freezes instead of crashing no crash logs are generated and the only thing I can see that seems to be the same across multiple people is that the game gets stuck trying to fetch assets it can't find.

I didn't post my own log initially because it was taken with mods but here it is anyway. I was waiting for someone to get the issue who wasn't using mods. As you can see from the log below it's been plaguing my world for a while.

freeze on world load - CELESTE - 2024.8.5.1341 - 2024-08-22 20_46_06.log