01:46:49.546 ( 40 FPS) Exception running asynchronous task:
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: uriString
at System.Uri..ctor (System.String uriString) [0x00009] in <ef151b6abb5d474cb2c1cb8906a8b5a4>:0
at FrooxEngine.Userspace+<LoadWorld>d__199.MoveNext () [0x0032c] in <b538c0f11fa4494daf345ca6bb1ea9bf>:0
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
In the case of directories, assetUri doesn't exist.
Describe the bug?
Using the OpenWorld PF with a non-world resrec, causes an undismissable world loading indicator, with exceptions in the logs.
I only tested, a folder. But based on the handling, we should verify the record is a world before attempting to treat it as one.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior
World Loading Indicator should inform the user of the issue, or at least it should vanish when an incompatible record is attempted to be loaded.
No response
Resonite Version Number
What Platforms does this occur on?
What headset if any do you use?
Log Files
ALFRED - 2024.11.12.1329 - 2024-11-13 23_56_28.log
Additional Context
In the case of directories, assetUri doesn't exist.
No response