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Renaming "English" locale to "English (United States)" #422

Open Nammi-namm opened 8 months ago

Nammi-namm commented 8 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Currently we have "English" and "English (United Kingdom)" as the two English language options. Via the protoflux node "Current Culture" when you have the game set to "English" it displays "en-US". Likewise "English (United Kingdom)" displays "en-GB"

Here below I set the game to "English" and Resonite internally recognises it as "en-US". image 2023-10-24 14 49 10 (2) Additionally, the en.json locale is using United States of America English specific spelling for some words, words not spelled like that in UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, India or South Africa English (such as the word "colour", only en-US is it "color") United States English is not the definitive version of English. Only one variety of English, and I believe it should be represented as such properly in Resonite.

Describe the solution you'd like

Having the "English" locale option accurately display it self as "English (United States)" instead of the current "English".

Describe alternatives you've considered

Introducing a separate en-US.json that is different from en.json. But what that means for the original en.json I'm not sure. I only mention this as some form of alternative that could be done.

Additional Context

Some players have implemented a system to grab users locale to display a localised date format using the "Current Culture" protoflux node. Users from say Denmark or Australia using the "English" locale in Resonite will get United States formatted date and time on some community made displays using the Current Culture. Even though their own country or computer's date and time format is different from United States standard.

Whereas the Protoflux node "UTC Now" does accurately grab system date and time format regardless of what language Resonite is set to.

Banane9 commented 8 months ago

The most premium solution would be to allow mix and matching language and formattings.

E.g. personally I want the UI to be in english, but I'd like times formatted as 24h time and dates in the german format - while using english month names to not stand out when shown.

troyBORG commented 8 months ago

As a weird American thing, whenever I see "colour" I see it pronounced like how Spanish says it.

shiftyscales commented 4 months ago

Seeking feedback from @ProbablePrime.

ProbablePrime commented 4 months ago

we've got a bit of oddity here. specifies that there is a locale code for just "English" as "en" talks about how the en-us is just a "location descriptor"

So Im not sure what we should be doing here.

Banane9 commented 4 months ago talks about how the en-us is just a "location descriptor"

The article also states:

Region subtags are used to specify the variety of a language "as used in" a particular region. They are appropriate when the variety is regional in nature, and can be captured adequately by identifying the countries involved, as when distinguishing British English (en-GB) from American English (en-US). When the difference is one of script or script variety, as for simplified versus traditional Chinese characters, it should be expressed with a script subtag instead of a region subtag; in this example, zh-Hans and zh-Hant should be used instead of zh-CN/zh-SG/zh-MY and zh-TW/zh-HK/zh-MO.

Which is what you typically see on websites at least. E.g. the .net docs have de-DE in the URL for me if I don't change it to English. The de identifies it as German and the DE as the kind used in Germany. For de-AT or de-CH, there are some different words, formatting or even spelling differences (for example Switzerland doesn't use the ß). This is equivalent to the en-GB and en-US differences in word choice or ou vs o.

Further down in the article there's also a section about more specific language tags that even include calendar, numeral and other information.

ProbablePrime commented 4 months ago

Thanks. Agreed we should migrate this to en-us and en-gb then.
