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Alternatives to Patreon? #497

Open ultrawidegamer opened 7 months ago

ultrawidegamer commented 7 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I have been trying to support Resonite for over a month now and Patreon keeps declining my card... Contacted my bank and they said it is not on their end as it is declined before it gets to them... Contacted Patreon support and after waiting a week for a reply (because they dont offer a number to call for support and only really slow email support) they said it is that it is something on the banks side... all other non-patreon payments have been going through fine and at this point i am extremely frustrated, no longer have my complimentary storage and have no reasonable way of contacting Patreon to figure this out.

Describe the solution you'd like

Implement alternative options for supporting Resonite like ko-fi or direct payment?

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional Context

This issue has gotten so bad that both parties (Patreon and my bank) have directly suggested me to use another bank 🙃

gentlecolts commented 7 months ago

Perhaps somewhat tangential but I'd also like to add that displaying a means of acquiring storage ingame would be a nice addition to this request as well, I can't count how many times I've had people ask "how do i get more storage"

ProbablePrime commented 7 months ago

Perhaps somewhat tangential but I'd also like to add that displaying a means of acquiring storage ingame would be a nice addition to this request as well, I can't count how many times I've had people ask "how do i get more storage"

This would be a separate issue. Thank you.

alexderpyfox commented 7 months ago

Steam payment needs to be added all those other things won't work in countrys that swift has sanctioned boosty can also work but that's more difficult to add best is steam payment

FuzzyFoxe commented 7 months ago

I was wondering similarly; is it possible for twitch commands to be accessible to patrons, or perhaps storage be linkable to twitch subscription too? It'd be nice to save money on these things.. ^^;

Mr-CostlessClaw commented 6 months ago

@Frooxius Moving to Ko-Fi. The savings from Patreon could equal an additional 1,700$ a month.

Geenz commented 6 months ago

We do have plans to introduce alternative payment methods, including but not limited to direct payments through our website. Stay tuned.

Frooxius commented 6 months ago

@Mr-CostlessClaw Yes, we've found similar values in our analysis, so it's definitely something we're actively looking into, but there's no ETA on it yet.

ultrawidegamer commented 5 months ago

Message I just sent as a support ticket because for the forth month in a row i havent been able to purchase storage from Patreon (Now with cool new feature, A NEW BANK ACCOUNT 🙃)

For the entire month of October, I encountered issues making payments to Patreon as it consistently rejected my bank card. After contacting my bank, they insisted it was a problem on Patreon's end. I emailed Patreon (as calling them wasn't an option), and they claimed it was an issue with my bank. Both entities suggested attempting payment with a different card from another bank. About a week later, after numerous attempts, it inexplicably started working, and I regained access to storage for a month.

A month later, when it was time to renew my Patreon payment for continued storage, I faced another problem. Despite trying a dozen times over a few days, I received a mysterious message from the Resonite bot saying, "Thanks for donating," but Patreon still indicated a payment failure, denying me access to rewards. Strangely, my bank was charged during this process, and once again, I somehow obtained storage for another month.

Fast forward to January. I've spent weeks attempting to resolve the Patreon payment issue, but to no avail. I even went as far as opening a new bank account, hoping it would work, but encountered errors. After about six attempts, each resulting in a payment failure error, I checked my new bank account only to discover Patreon had deducted the money. Despite waiting around eight hours, storage did not magically appear this time. I sought help from my friend, who generously shared 30GB of their storage due to the persistent issues I faced.

Now, almost 24 hours since Patreon deducted funds from my account, I still lack storage from Patreon nor my friend. With the upcoming MMC next month, I am growing increasingly concerned about my ability to create something for the event. There's a real worry that I might lose storage halfway through the month, jeopardizing my ability to save any ongoing work.

shiftyscales commented 5 months ago

Please continue working with the support team to get your issue resolved, @ultrawidegamer. Sorry you are having issues.

AmasterAmaster commented 1 month ago

I would like for there to be a permanent storage alternitive option, even if the prices were significantly higher for that, just due to the nature of resonite having so many awesome things and i wish to save them (and not everything has a public folder for said things)

But yea, just my hope for that.

Frooxius commented 1 month ago

When you say permanent storage alternative option, do you mean paying for storage once and you get it forever?

WinterCaverns commented 1 month ago

When you say permanent storage alternative option, do you mean paying for storage once and you get it forever?


PCloud would be a great option but yes it's one massive payment for a permanent amount of storage, exporting from resonite to files then to PCloud.. this also would eliminate patreon, thus wouldn't work out.

AmasterAmaster commented 1 month ago

Basically yes @Frooxius, but i know that it can be difficult on the business side of things. But i can also see it from the consumer side where they would be buying you the hard drives to store their stuff in. Of course it would have to go through your channels and decisions to make that a possible thing. So it could go either way i feel.

Frooxius commented 1 month ago

We're very unlikely to provide permanent storage like that. The upfront payment would have to be huge, like probably thousands of dollars, if not more.

The hard-drives and actual storage isn't really the main problem here. What gets costly is everything around it - running the harddrives (electricity, redundancy with failures...), running API & compute servers to make that data accessible, running other services to make it usable and so on.

Don't forget that development & support of the platform itself is also paid from the support. Having storage tiers is just easiest way to "sell it", but it covers way more stuff than just raw storage.

WinterCaverns commented 1 month ago

Don't forget that development & support of the platform itself is also paid from the support. Having storage tiers is just easiest way to "sell it", but it covers way more stuff than just raw storage.

This is what I was referring too overall, if another storage site was cheaper for permanent storage people would resort to that, and it would stop the flow funding for the platform.

So as much as you would want an external storage site, it's not possible, unless that storage site would share a cut of the money that was being paid into it by a good amount. Which is highly unlikely.

(Also have to take into account the fact that one payment isn't as efficient as multiple payments)

AmasterAmaster commented 1 month ago

For an example, I would love to have 1TB of storage, and I dont mind paying for it in full, plus shipping and handling, plus any taxes and import/export costs, plus services fees you (the dev team) have decided for me to pay extra for the privilege to have that kind of storage (under your full discretion)

And yes, I understand that the service part is the cost as well, so maybe adding a fee that requires that amount of storage to be used for a certain amount of time, and then after that time if a significant amount has been used, it can then be kept (incentivizing people to make and keep content on the platform as well).

Granted it is unlikely, but I also feel it would be an option available to those that are not fond of the subscription plan option.

Frooxius commented 1 month ago

It's missing an important point too though - external storage site itself is insufficient to run Resonite. Without the API servers, compute and so on, the storage would be useless - you wouldn't be able to do anything with it.

WinterCaverns commented 1 month ago

It's missing an important point too though - external storage site itself is insufficient to run Resonite. Without the API servers, compute and so on, the storage would be useless - you wouldn't be able to do anything with it.

^ this

AmasterAmaster commented 1 month ago

I feel that is kinda implied with Resonite being always online currently, I feel consumers would know what they are getting themselves into by that point, but I digress.