Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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Resonite Logo Loading Bar #629

Closed SpaceGaytor closed 6 months ago

SpaceGaytor commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug?

Have already experimented with another user, seems to only be in my userspace. Doesnt matter if its a new world, cloud home, local, it always seems to be there at the spawnarea. Doesnt seem to cause any issues other than its just there, load bar seems to be animating still but I am not loading anything anymore (That can be seen on my end).

To Reproduce

This is a more recent issue as it was not happening before. I originally had issues with the worlds tab not loading anything in it, so I had reset my dash several times until finally the worlds tab started to work again and I no longer held the resetdash comman in the launch options.

After such I noticed the loading resonite logo staying up at spawn of my cloud world and local home, and now it doesnt matter what world I join its just there, stationary at spawns.

Doesnt matter if I start Resonite in Screen mode or SteamVR

Expected behavior

For the loading logo thing to not be there? It wasnt before and it is now, I dont want it to stare at me...menacingly.


Resonite 1 Resonite 2 Resonite 3

Resonite Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

Valve Index

Log Files

SPARTAN118 - 2023.11.8.335 - 2023-11-10 21_33_36.log

Additional Context

No response



Frooxius commented 6 months ago

This is very odd. Can you please share the Player.log file as well?

SpaceGaytor commented 6 months ago

Player.log Sorry about that, had trouble finding it

PrimoGeo commented 6 months ago

Same Issue Here. I tried Nuking all Resonite and YellowDogMan Caches in Appdata and elsewhere, including deleting the App from Steam folders. Is still there. For me right now is only Worlds I create or own. Other Worlds made and Hosted by others does not show.


Photo in Local Photo in PrimoGeo World Photo in Rabbitusan

Frooxius commented 6 months ago

@PrimoGeo Can you include both logs please?

So far I don't see anything that stands out. This is also really strange, as the loading should be standard process, so there's not much that could interrupt the change.

Does this happen every single time or only sometimes?

Did it start happening at particular time?

PrimoGeo commented 6 months ago

Oh sorry here INFINITY - 2023.11.18.1263 - 2023-11-20 11_52_16.log

It's been there for about a week or so. I figured it was something with a new build and would get fixed.
But never happened so thought maybe you''re not aware or is a simple delete from userspace or something I could do in Resonite.

SpaceGaytor commented 6 months ago

Yea that looks like the same thing happening to me. It started not too long before BLFC had happened. Everything loads and theres nothing stuck in debug or anything, just kinda sits there with that last little bit, almost like it hitches and doesnt recieve command to disappear when finished loading or something.

stays in my local, Cloud home and any world I join whether my own or someone elses, including headless servers.

Frooxius commented 6 months ago

I've never seen it happen myself, so I'm a bit confused on what could be the culprit, since this part of code should run pretty much the same way for everyone.

I don't have a way to replicate it on my end.

I might need to add some more diagnostics to the startup process to see what could be the cause and have you send us the logs once that's in.

shiftyscales commented 6 months ago

I've also not ever previously seen or experienced this issue. Hopefully added diagnostics will allow us to better understand what is failing here.

Are you able to find the object in your userspace with a userspace inspector, @SpaceGaytor @PrimoGeo?

SpaceGaytor commented 6 months ago

Im not actually familiar with the Userspace Inspector, or really editing my userspace at all. Id be down to meetup on Res to see if it is?

shiftyscales commented 6 months ago

The gist of it, is that you have an inspector that has its own slot selected that is made into a facet which can be spawned out in userspace.

You can then use the userspace inspector to navigate your userspace hierarchy. It is not generally recommended to do this except in cases like this to debug what might be going on, @SpaceGaytor.

I would do so myself- but as indicated, I've not ever experienced this issue, so I can't look into it on my own.

Nytra commented 6 months ago

I think the loading bar is rendered and managed by Unity so it shouldn't appear in any inspector.

Frooxius commented 6 months ago

Just nothing here - yes this won't show up in the inspector, it exists completely outside FrooxEngine.

Frooxius commented 6 months ago

There's a potential fix in 2023.11.24.1379 and some additional diagnostics.

Can you check if the issue still persists on this version?

If so, please post new logs.

SpaceGaytor commented 6 months ago

Ok, here are the new logs.

SPARTAN118 - 2023.11.24.1379 - 2023-11-24 18_07_17.log


After Downloading the update, I started Resonite, the icon and logo disappeared, but I do not load into my Cloud Home and cannot load into any world. Upper right hand corner says Sync Error. I tried twice, Resonite Loads but I stay in Local, unable to sync, and have no ability to exit other than Alt+F4.

I was unable to leave Resonite normally so I had to Alt+F4


Hope this helps.

shadowpanther commented 6 months ago

The not-loading is being currently fixed in #780

SpaceGaytor commented 6 months ago

Thats not the issue in this thread, thanks though

SpaceGaytor commented 6 months ago

I will be creating a New Issue as the Logo Loading Bar disappears now, so this issue has been fixed.

PrimoGeo commented 6 months ago

Can Confirm here as well Loading logo/Bar is gone.