Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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Xiexie Toon Emission seems to have broke, no longer shows the set emissive colour #652

Open MahSandwich opened 7 months ago

MahSandwich commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug?

I spawned an object into a world and noticed the emissive stripes were no longer emissive and so I began investigating. I searched and found but I think it is a different issue as this was working on the previous Resonite version. (Outline Emissive still works).

To Reproduce

Create New XiexieToon Material and give a value for EmissionColor

Expected behavior

EmissionColor in the world should match the EmissionColor in the editor.


Compared with PBS_Metallic with the same AlbedoColor and EmissionColor Photo in Hikari Akimori World

Resonite Version Number

Beta 2023.11.11.1231

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?

Valve Index, Desktop

Log Files

SYS0 - 2023.11.11.1231 - 2023-11-12 07_00_05.log

Additional Context

No response


Hikari Akimori (Discord: hikari_akimori)

lxw404 commented 1 month ago

This seems to be an issue with how the toon material is expecting an EmissionMap texture or else it defaults that texture to black, whereas other materials like PBS default this texture to white. You can test this by putting a SolidColorTexture set to white into the toon material's EmissionMap.

shiftyscales commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah, I've also noticed in past that for some reason XiexeToon emissions are only active while they have an emission map specified. As covered in #1184, we will be replacing XiexeToon outright at some point, so this might not be fixed prior to then.

Seeking input from @Geenz - my guess it that the emission property block probably doesn't exist on the shader variants without an emission map for some reason. If this is a quick fix, it could be worthwhile- otherwise, I'd consider this low-priority because it can be worked around by using a low-res SolidColorTexture.