Yellow-Dog-Man / Resonite-Issues

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Gather Jobs frozen & Assets not loading #660

Open LeSoulless opened 8 months ago

LeSoulless commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug?

Assets will randomly stop loading. This ranges from spawning items out of inventory to not loading in the rest of worlds or avatars. When it happens I've seen that the gather jobs tab under the debug menu has just stopped all together. Today specifically (11/12/23) I have been able to load my home world just fine, but at any point when I try to spawn an item or open a different world it would immediately freezes any new assets from loading.

To Reproduce

Log into my account? I'm not really sure, but happy to follow instructions. sorry

Expected behavior

Spawn items from inventory and load into worlds as normal.


No response

Resonite Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?

Windows, Android / Quest

What headset if any do you use?

Vive, Quest 3, & Desktop

Log Files

NICSPC - 2023.11.11.1231 - 2023-11-12 17_57_41.log

Additional Context

Normally restarting the game helps clear it out, but it does eventually happen again. I do still have the ability to speak with some of the people I haven't loaded visually. It seems random when it happens, but does happen every time I've logged in. This has been happening to me since launch and I've been looking for anything else possibly related in the discord, but haven't seen anything. I have restarted my pc a handful of times, and re-installed Resonite a few times. I tried running it in steam vr mode, oculus mode, and desktop mode. However to no avail I'm still trying to "limp" out of my world.



shadowpanther commented 8 months ago

As a sanity check, what is the size of Data.litedb in your data folder? And do you have free space on the drive your data and cache folders are on?

You can try doing a database repair ( or renaming/deleting the database file, it helped with similar issues on legacy:

LeSoulless commented 8 months ago

Not sure where to check the Data.litedb, I looked in Resonite_Data and Runtime Data and didn't see that. I do have 730 gb free on the hard drive its on though. Just tried the data base repair, sadly its still freezing gather jobs.

shadowpanther commented 8 months ago

Not sure where to check the Data.litedb (same, but Yellow Dog Man Studios instead of the other company name).

LeSoulless commented 8 months ago
Screenshot 2023-11-12 202309

Ok, I found it. I see there's a corrupted folder which also contains Data.litedb in it as well. Do you think deleting that would help?

shadowpanther commented 8 months ago

The database file doesn't seem too big, mine is bigger and I currently don't have any gather job and slow download problems.

The Corrupted folder is created whenever the database repair is run, and contains the original copy of the database before repair. The repair process reads data from that copy, verifies it and writes it into a fresh database.

Frooxius commented 8 months ago

I know there are some issues with this system. It's pretty much in need of a rewrite, because it's very crusty.

Frooxius commented 8 months ago

Actually on second though... what kind of assets are we talking about?

Is this for local:// ones? Or resdb:// ones?

LeSoulless commented 8 months ago

@Frooxius resdb:// I believe. I feel like there is a "hiccup" somewhere when something loads in and that "hiccup" causes a traffic jam of sorts for anything else to load in. Whether it's an item I spawn out of resonite inventory or something someone else spawns. Or it happens when I am loading into a world and it just chokes up on something, not sure. Is there anyway to reboot the gather jobs or am I just stuck at restarting the game for now?

shiftyscales commented 6 months ago

Per ShadowPanther's inquiry above which was missed- when this issue occurs- how much free space do you have left on your C: drive (or whichever drive you are using for storage of your local database, and cache)?

I've noticed this happen in cases where the user's storage is quite full on their PC- preventing new assets from getting loaded in.

Likewise- I've seen cases where the -RepairDatabase command line argument can help for users experiencing similar issues.

LeSoulless commented 6 months ago

Hi @shiftyscales as of today I have 510 gb free on the drive that Resonite and its local files are on. I input the -RepairDatabase command and haven't seen a change. As of right now I barely get on as it either stops gatherjobs within my first home or the first world I load up afterwards. I appreciate you coming back to this, I am lost on what to do. I would love to be able to join everyone again.

shiftyscales commented 6 months ago

Have you noticed any particular correlation for when and how the issue occurs, @LeSoulless?

If it is happening every time you are in Resonite- it would seem there must be some consistent factor that exists across all of those sessions, e.g. joining a particular world/loading a particular asset/object/item/avatar, etc. etc.

The most consistent error I'm seeing across your log file is Failed Load: Could not gather asset variant.

As a last resort- could you try entirely deleting your local database, and cache folders, and see if the issue is still occuring for you?

Delete (or rename/move) the entire Yellow Dog Man Studios folders from %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\ and %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\ respectively.

The initial log file you posted was showing that the asset variants that couldn't be found were all things that were in your Cache folder- had you at any point tried manually deleting just the contents of that folder before?

LeSoulless commented 6 months ago

@shiftyscales well for correlation, most of the time when I load into my home it finishes after a few minutes, but after spawning out a couple things it then freezes. Similarly when I load into a new world (no specific world) it loads very slowly until other users spawn and delete items and then freezes. Not sure if them spawning anything has any effect or not. When I get home I will go through and delete those folders. I think the only time I tried deleting anything manually was back on Neos and on a different pc, because it was freezing random assets although it was far less frequent than it's occurring now.