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Switching into 3rd person should not spin avatar. #917

Open Psychpsyo opened 9 months ago

Psychpsyo commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug?

When you press F5 in desktop mode, your avatar sometimes turns around. (or to the side)

To Reproduce

  1. Be in desktop mode.
  2. Press F5.
  3. Sometimes you will be looking in a different direction now.

Expected behavior

Pressing F5 should not turn the avatar around; the avatar should keep looking in the same direction.


No response

Resonite Version Number

Beta 2023.12.15.22

What Platforms does this occur on?


What headset if any do you use?


Log Files

I do not feel comfortable providing log files, especially for issues this easily replicated.

Additional Context

Sometimes this doesn't happen and I am not sure why.


U-Psychpsyo in Resonite, cameron5 on Discord

lxw404 commented 9 months ago

Personally, I think freecam should have a completely separate set of lasers so that manipulation comes from the point of view of the freecam always. That way your avatar's lasers aren't trying to manipulate objects that are probably not in view or even in the same reference frame, a symptom of which is the avatar faces towards what it is manipulating always.

Psychpsyo commented 9 months ago

Personally, I think freecam should have a completely separate set of lasers so that manipulation comes from the point of view of the freecam always. That way your avatar's lasers aren't trying to manipulate objects that are probably not in view or even in the same reference frame, a symptom of which is the avatar faces towards what it is manipulating always.

This bug report has nothing to do with the lasers though...

lxw404 commented 9 months ago

Try turning off your lasers and you should probably not see this behavior. From what I can gather, your avatar always turns to face whatever surface your lasers hit (nearby UIX canvases are a common culprit).

Frooxius commented 9 months ago

Can you provide a short video of this happening please? That would be helpful.

Freecam lasers are not relevant to this, yes, they should be left out from this issue as it's off-topic.

shiftyscales commented 7 months ago

Request for more information has gone unacknowledged in over a month.

art0007i commented 7 months ago

here's a video of replicating the bug

I noticed that waiting for the cursor in the middle of the screen to disappear causes the avatar to keep looking in the wrong direction. if you don't wait for the cursor to disappear the avatar will still initially face the wrong direction, but quickly corrects it which causes it to look like the avatar is doing a little spin

shiftyscales commented 7 months ago

It seems that it might store the last position of third person camera for an update, so the avatar turns to face in that direction before it is promptly updated, causing the avatar to turn to face the newly updated viewpoint.

The laser doesn't seem to have any specific relevance in this issue. It occurs regardless of whether the cursor is on or off. Likewise- this issue seems to always occur when entering third person- but is most visually noticeable when the user has made a large change in rotation, e.g. 180 degrees to face the opposite direction.

This issue seems to have everything it needs now, @Frooxius.