YellowApple / p6-GLFW

Perl 6 wrapper around GLFW3
zlib License
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window key-callback should be mutable #3

Open fecundf opened 3 years ago

fecundf commented 3 years ago

The test code fails with the error "Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value" until I comment out $window.key-callback = &key-callback

Perhaps key-callback needs to be marked as read-write?

YellowApple commented 3 years ago

Weird; it's already marked with is rw, so I'd expect that to work (and at one point it was indeed working). Does GLFW::set-window-key-callback($window, &key-callback); work?

fecundf commented 3 years ago

GLFW::set-window-key-callback gives Could not find symbol '&set-window-key-callback' in 'GLFW'

raku --version tells me Welcome to 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐨™ v2020.10. Implementing the 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮™ programming language v6.d. Built on MoarVM version 2020.10.

The META6.json looks like the same as in the repo, GLFW 0.1.0, source-url git://

fecundf commented 3 years ago

This call doesn't crash GLFW::Window::set-key-callback($window, &key-callback); - I still am figuring out which key is 256!

I see method key-callback() is rw in GLFW::Window source code, not sure why it complains.