Yellowbooker / Microwave-Filter-Synthesis

Matlab code for coupling matrix synthesis and rotation(已对耦合矩阵综合部分的代码进行了更新,请参考库:Standard-Coupling-Matrix-Synthesis-Code标准化耦合矩阵综合代码)
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A question about the ninth line of to_CTCM.m #2

Open aaa280 opened 11 months ago

aaa280 commented 11 months ago

In the ninth line of to_CTCM.m, why is it necessary to determine the relationship between the filter order and twice the number of zeros instead of comparing the relationship between the filter order and the number of zeros plus two?

Yellowbooker commented 11 months ago

In this MATLAB script, my goal is to set the cross couplings between resonator 1 and resonator 3 (1-3), 3-5, 5-7,... and so on. So, the max number of the CT strcture in a N-order filter is N/2 (for N is even) or (N-1)/2 (for N is odd). The variable NumTz is used to represent the times of a CT strcture moved from load to source. If N/(nfz*2) == 1, the N is a even number, and at this time, the filter have the max number of the CT sturcture and the last CT sturcture consists of resonator N-1, resonator N, and load, Therefore, the last CT do not need to be moved from load to source and the move times should minus 1.