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[C++] have autodoc process handle subdirectories in the cpp source directory properly #360

Open suntzu86 opened 10 years ago

suntzu86 commented 10 years ago

After #353, the C++ autodoc pipeline (doxygen, sphinx, breathe) now captures the source files in the cpp/gpu directory but it does so by flattening out the gpu directory. Plus, the src dirs have to be hardcoded in docs/doxygen_config, docs/, and docs/ This is less than optimal.

We should (as much as possible):

  1. have autodoc tools pick up subdirs automatically. there should be a way to use wildcards in doxygen_config and conf to automate this. and we can similarly automatically build a list of all cpp src dirs in cpp_rst_maker.
  2. modify cpp_rst_maker to construct separate 'modules' so that the C++ file documentation follows the same directory structure as the source code (instead of dumping everything into one huge docs page).