Yelp / bravado

Bravado is a python client library for Swagger 2.0 services
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Run pre-commit autoupdate to properly update and pin revisions #439

Closed sjaensch closed 5 years ago

sjaensch commented 5 years ago

pre-commit was issuing warnings about an unknown key sha - which means those repositories were not properly pinned as intended. I ran pre-commit autoupdate, which fixed the issue and bumped all versions. I then reran pre-commit hooks on all files, which explains the changes to the other files.

coveralls commented 5 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-0.02%) to 96.686% when pulling e45e007b9ebb8a6b978d68c12afa3de8f0683591 on sjaensch:fix-pre-commit-revs into 5cb4e0af092f329d3116416ac92dfc7d23114b93 on Yelp:master.