Yelp / elastalert

Easy & Flexible Alerting With ElasticSearch
Apache License 2.0
7.97k stars 1.73k forks source link

⚠️ ElastAlert is no longer maintained. We strongly recommend migrating to ElastAlert2. #3241

Closed nsano-rururu closed 2 years ago

nsano-rururu commented 2 years ago

ElastAlert Pull Request(Open)

title Has it been merged with elastalert2? remark
add dingtalk and aiops alert #3240 - Dingtalk has been added to ElastAlert2
Update ruletypes.rst #3231 -
Parsing error fixed at line 2. #3216
Fix UnicodeEncodeError in PagerDutyAlerter #3182 -
fix(docs): corrects common typos in project README #3179 -
fix compound query key in metric aggregation with bucket_interval #3161
use rule timeframe when scan_entire_timeframe is set #3141 -
email alerter: add smtp_tls flag to allow user to disable TLS #3122 -
feat: suport for multi es instances #3109
Added rules dir and minor update to config #3098 -
Statsd and multi imports #3095
Update #3089 -
Bearer token authorization. #3076
Fix is_enabled not work with reload #3036
Fix for the mapping error reported in #2899. #3016
added code to run on Powersystem #2997 -
Add Jinja2 Templating Option to Alert Text Formatting #2993
Fix initializing self.thread_data.alerts_sent for running elastalert-test-rule #2991
Add support for custom_details in the PagerDuty alerter v2 module #2982
SpikeRule remove self.first_event.pop(qk) #2969 -
fix a configuration options of docs #2961
allow custom http_headers in config.yaml #2952 -
Add support for HTTP POST encryption ( using JWT ) #2926 -
Add new Alerter: IDMEF with Prelude SIEM #2906 -
TheHive alerter: Allow severity and tlp to be set by rule #2891
Add optional es_version attribute in config #2889 -
Fix Incorrect Opsgenie Tags Formatting #2884 -
Remove hipchat integration #2881
fix attribute error is raised when query ran for future time #2858
Remove duplicate property in example config file #2848
Added Squadcast http post alert config #2843
Patch opsgenie tags overwritten after first alert #2840
Fixes to is_enabled state changes during runtime #2838 -
fix aggregate_id search syntax #2829
Removing/Disabling rule should stop scheduler jobs #2826 -
Allow Customizable Slack Message Body #2816 -
Allow Custom OpsGenie Description #2796 -
Adds --silence_qk_value option to elastalert #2795
Add parameter for slack aggregation table width #2780 -
Add ca certs and ignore ssl to HTTP Post #2766
unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'NoneType' #2759
support for agg_type percentiles fixes #2713 #2750
Respect disable_rules_on_error flag for connection errors #2707 -
Update Docs for query_key types (compound_query_key)
Typo in example_rules/ssh.yaml #2692
Pin elasticsearch to 7.0.0 in requirements.txt #2684
Add parameter 'smtp_ca_file', fix STARTTLS problem #2681 -
Update elast #2679 -
Update requirements.txt to match the jira-version of #2676
Fixing jira version in python3.7 #2673
Jira attach kibana link #2658 -
Update #2655 -
Fix frequency rule #2653 -
Bugfix and better error handling on zabbix alerter #2640
added squadcast to README #2632 -
added squadcast alert source integration #2629 -
Add service monitor ping URL feature #2626 -
Add prometheus metrics #2622
Enabling to embed images into email alerter #2606
Task/show warn false #2604
Add a new rule: find_match #2596
Better thehive integration #2585 -
add spike_aggregation rule mapping #2575 Supported by elastalert 0.2.2
Clarify syntax for multiple fields for query_key #2548 -
Updated requirements.txt to match version. Missing on #2442.
Enable to select whether to prohibit enhancement from being run on alert information to be written back to ES #2542 -
Update documentation for percentage_format_string and alerta_timeout #2537 -
Add dockerfile linter to pre-commit and clean up Dockerfile #2506 -
Document Use of key in Alert Formatting #2497 -
Adding a timeout to all requests calls #2495 -
Bug: import within import not getting imported #2483 -
Adds two option for more efficient reporting #2435 -
Add Slack Alerts Footer #2433
Add 'opsgenie_alias_kw' feature (and documentation update). #2423 -
Remove the error "Included term may be missing or null" when using metric aggregation on multiple filelds #2410 -
Fix Documentation Build Warnings #2407 -
Add Docs: Elasticsearch Security Privileges #2406
Theoooooo add discord alerter #2379
Add Support for Twilio Copilot #2374
Added Squadcast integration #2361 -
metaIndex control #2348 -
refactor run_query #2345 -
Remove Duplicate Key in Schema YAML #2343
fix ruletypes.rst typo #2342
Fix Writeback Index Prefix in Example Config #2335 -
Add Line Notify Alerter #2290
add opsgenie_addr to docs #2278
Adding Zabbix as supported alert type. #2277
Fix query_string syntax in writing_filters.rst #2272 -
Alerta: Add Customer in Alert Payload #2269 -
Adds writeback_suffix/alias functionality back into code base #2239 -
Fixed the logging property in config.yaml.example #2231
Add Alertmanager alerter #2228
Patch for ElasticSearch 7.x Support #2226 -
Delete multiline code in TG alert #2223 -
VictorOps: Set state_message and entity_display_name from rule #2212
Add Prometheus Metrics #2211 -
meta-rules support added #2180 -
ES6 writeback index fix + extra features #2168 -
Add Praeco to README #2139 -
Fix multiple query_key issue in PercentageMatchRule #2133
Add MISP Alerter #2126 -
adding env var variable expansion for elasticsearch creds #2121 -
Fixes #2110 Logging inconsistencies fixed in #2112
Add alert_text_header and alert_text_footer options #2096 -
Fixes FrequencyRule.add_data to run check_for_match on all keys seen #2094 -
Resend update config option #2080 -
corrected spike aggregation support for avg,min,max #2075
Put quotes around aggregate_id search #2038
prevent asterisks from crashing telegram #2009 -
change silence to elastalert_silence #2007 -
Sentry integration #1716 -
Add Dockerfile #1644
Add support for RocketChat #1610
Add chnges in abao plus pin python-dateutil version #1607 -
Add support for AWS SES #1594
Addition of RabbitMQ alert output #1585 -
Docs: Add link to term vs. full text filtering #1562 -
Improve http_alerter (add headers, ignore ssl, basic auth) #1558 -
Support regexs in the blacklist / whitelist #1550 -
Add Alert_Text to ES index, reused existing method from #1545 -
Add Flowdock alerter #1505 -
Fix to ChangeRule to allow elastalert to search backwards for the last occurrences #1499 -
Added syslog alerter #1433 -
Adding Spark alerter #1400 -
feature run elastalert in new relic style #1386 -
fix for must_not #1351 -
Description field added to elastalaert events #1339 -
Add dingtalk alert #1206
Set shards and replicas settings for index creation #1201 -
Anomaly detector #1115 -
[Bug] Percentage Calculate is not True , and now recovery it #973 -
Improved test_rule #963 -
Added elastalert_status index timestamping #945 -
Bump requests dependency to 2.13.0 #922 -
ElasticSearch Queries in Rule Types #883 -
resolves #866 : move requirements into #867 -
Fixing license in to be the license #834 -
Support python3 & es5 #827 -
Added a REST API to List, Create, and Test rules #656 -
Datacratic #565 -
Add Dockerfile for an Alpine Linux based image. #408 -
Better cardinality rule #323 -
IRC Alert #319 -

ElastAlert Pull Request(Close)

title Has it been merged with elastalert2? remark
Reduce risk of UUID collision in The Hive #3219
ElastAlert 0.2.5 #3214
Add auto-resolve features #3207 -
Upstream pull #3188
Add alert handler to create Datadog Events #3164
Fix the empty compound_query_key value #3017 -
Setting size to 0 avoids executing the fetch phase of the search making the request more efficient #2999
Add support for custom_details in the PagerDuty alerter v2 module #2976
Fix: Mattermost 400 BAD request error #2902 -
add telegram markdown option #2883 -
Batman 2339 - Changes not taking effect after adding new fields in X1 alerts to create ServiceNow tickets. #2853 Only impact and urgency have been added with elastalert2
Hack into ElastAlert to bend it for Scrapinghub needs [WIP] #2815 -
Add Zalo Messenger alert type #2619 -

ElastAlert Issue

title Is it solved by ElastAlert2? remark
getting ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=17, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET #3205
Trying to assign Epic Link to Jira ticket #3108
Elastalert is broken on python3.9 through blist dependency #3092
Elastalert not sending alerts to zabbix #3081
Jira customfield not taking argument #3073
ElastAlert With Office 363 #3062
elastalert with loki #3061
10,000 query hits limit for 'metric_aggregation' rules #3027
use_terms_query does not support multiple query_key #3026
blist no longer works in Python 3.9 #2983
ElasticSearch 7.7 - [bool] failed to parse field [must] #2807
Got an error AttributeError: 'StompConnection11' object has no attribute 'start' with alert type stomp #2731
Got an error with "TypeError: deprecated_search() got an unexpected keyword argument 'headers'" #2725 ElastAlert 2.4.0
doc_type is deprecated and will be removed in ES 8 #2698 ElastAlert 2.4.0
Zabbix alert module error #2621
Zabbix alert #2601
Elastalet fails if alerter type zabbix is used: "ValueError: not enough values to unpack" [bug] #2586
PagerTree not mapped #2571
Removal of doc_type #2523 ElastAlert 2.4.0
Line notify is missing #2516
doc_type is no longer supported in ES > 7.x , however use_count_query and use_terms_query still check for it #2424 ElastAlert 2.4.0
Out of Memory #2399