Yelp / elastalert

Easy & Flexible Alerting With ElasticSearch
Apache License 2.0
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Connection refused while sending alerts from Wazuh to TheHive using elastalert #3245

Closed shadowAngel000 closed 2 years ago

shadowAngel000 commented 2 years ago


I am trying to send the alerts from Wazuh to TheHive, using ElastAlert. I am getting 'remote connection closed'.

Both Wazuh and TheHive are on the same VLAN (virtual images on ProxMox)

I don't know if the issue is from one of the following:

(Traffic is not passing through firewall since same Vlan, and I have the UFW on TheHive inactive)

Thank you

nsano-rururu commented 2 years ago

elastalert is not maintained. No one answers the issue.

nsano-rururu commented 2 years ago

Please close