Yelp / elastalert

Easy & Flexible Alerting With ElasticSearch
Apache License 2.0
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Security advisory - malicious exotel dependency #3265

Open anroots-tw opened 1 year ago

anroots-tw commented 1 year ago

Informational advisory.

For around 6 hours today, the Pypi package exotel had a malicious release, 0.1.6 published. It's would, on install, run a post-install hook, and call back to a C2 server.

If you installed Yelp/elastalert during this time window, you might be affected. There is a loose version constraint to exotel package in requirements.txt:

The malicious version was pulled by PyPi some minutes ago and is no longer installable. The library seems unmaintained since its last release 0.1.5 in 2017. Just in case - pin version to last known good - 0.1.5.

Ref &

(this is a backport of the hotfix from jertel/elastalert2, and not strictly needed to apply, as impact time window has passed )