Yelp / elastalert

Easy & Flexible Alerting With ElasticSearch
Apache License 2.0
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timeframe setting is not work when rule run every minutes #3275

Open wangcrazy1 opened 1 year ago

wangcrazy1 commented 1 year ago

Rule name, must be unique

name: send log issue fence to cloudwise type: flatline

threshold: 10000

if the frequency of events drops below threshold in timeframe minutes, an alert is triggered

timeframe: minutes: 6

A list of elasticsearch filters used for find events

These filters are joined with AND and nested in a filtered query

For more info:


use_count_query: true doc_type: _doc

index: tesla* realert: minutes: 1



- log.file.path



The alert is use when a match is found

alert: post

alert: "elastalert_modules.my_alerts.HTTPPostEpochAlerter" http_post_url: "" http_post_static_payload: check: "tesla receive log from fence" hostname: "CN000VM5080" logpath: "C:\SEEBURGER\PROD_BSP_CS\log\Fence_PROD_BSP_FENCE02\Fence_PROD_BSP_FENCE02.lgw" http_post_payload: matches: num_hits timestamp: "@timestamp"

It send the num_hits only contians one minute when rule run every minutes. I think the num_hits should be sum of six minutes hits.