Yelp / elastalert

Easy & Flexible Alerting With ElasticSearch
Apache License 2.0
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How to write the alarm rules I need? #3279

Closed netkey closed 1 year ago

netkey commented 1 year ago

I need to implement an alert, but found that none of the existing rule types seem to meet my needs. My needs are as follows:

Index: client-log-* Query filter: index.keyword:"client-android" AND client.b_data.eventId.keyword:"9900013" Alarm triggering condition: When the value of the total number of records satisfying the above query rules/the unique count of app.useriden.keyword is greater than 100, the alarm will be triggered. The formula is: count()/unique_count(app.useriden.keyword)>100

How should I write this rule?

netkey commented 1 year ago

sorry,elastalert is not maintained. Please use elastalert2.