Yelp / fuzz-lightyear

A pytest-inspired, DAST framework, capable of identifying vulnerabilities in a distributed, micro-service ecosystem through chaos engineering testing and stateful, Swagger fuzzing.
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Does fuzz-lightyear follow “Successful Request Sequences Only” strategy? #56

Closed AlexB1986 closed 3 years ago

AlexB1986 commented 3 years ago

Hi Team! Thank you for your efforts and open sourcing such interesting tool!

While playing with Fuzz-lightyear we faced with interesting issue – it seems that fuzz-lightyear does not follow “Successful Request Sequences Only” strategy. Could you please check our results?

Detailed information Let’s consider generating 2-length sequences (we used Mozilla Kinto as a target of testing). Before generating 2-length sequences last_result (based on 1-length sequences validation) is: image Function _add_request_to_sequence generate a following sequence for validation: image Before yield results into validate_sequence result.responses.responses structure is: image Then we yield sequence into validate_sequence First request is OK: image and we add data to responses.responses: image Second request is not OK (404) image and we pass to exception block and do not add any data to responses.responses.

When we obtain “result” in line, it looks like: image

I.e., there are two requests and only one response (because second response was not successful). But result.is_successful() == true and we add that sequence (that is actually not a successful request sequence) to good_sequences and we will use it to construct 3-length sequences later.

To test our assumption we modify is_successful() implementation in the following way

return bool(self.responses) → return bool(self.responses) and bool(len(self.responses) == len(self.requests))

and made testing of two version (original and modified) against a same target (Mozilla Kinto) of testing with one seed and n=3. The results are:

That modification allows us to reduce running time and increase ratio of passed/(passed+falled).

domanchi commented 3 years ago

Hi @AlexB1986,

What a great idea to use Mozilla Kinto to test this! And thank you for your detailed bug report. I think you might be on to something -- let me verify on our end, and report back with results.

domanchi commented 3 years ago

I was able to reproduce this in a test case. It looks like we do indeed respect "Successful Request Sequences Only" (that is, a failed request will quit the sequence early), however, due to the bug you correctly identified, a failed sequence isn't accurately reflected in FuzzingResult(...).is_successful().

As a result, this will cause incorrect test reporting, as well as redundant sequences generated.

I'll cut a PR out to address this.

domanchi commented 3 years ago

Closing issue, as fix has been merged.