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Error when running #94

Open broochpawN opened 5 years ago

broochpawN commented 5 years ago


I am a PhD student. I am following the eCLIP-Seq processing pipeline v2.0 20180724 and I am at the bigwig file generating step using But I got the error report:

awk: line 2: function and never defined awk: line 2: function and never defined [main_samview] failed to write the SAM header samtools view: error closing standard output: -1 needLargeMem: trying to allocate 0 bytes (limit: 100000000000) awk: line 2: function and never defined awk: line 2: function and never defined [main_samview] failed to write the SAM header samtools view: error closing standard output: -1 needLargeMem: trying to allocate 0 bytes (limit: 100000000000)

Based on "awk: line 2: function and never defined", I think the first error happened at line 16 in the script: priming_call = "samtools view -h " + in_bam + " | awk 'BEGIN {OFS=\"\t\"} {if(!!and($2,0x0080)) {if(!!and($2, 0x0004)) {$2 = $2 - 16} else {$2 = $2 + 16}}; print $0}' | samtools view -bS - | genomeCoverageBed -ibam stdin ".

Could you please help me check if is the code (!!and($2, 0x0080)) cause the problem? If yes, how can I modify or use this script?

Thank you very very much! All the best!