[x] 5. Create an annotated tag for git and push it:
git tag -a v0.2.1 -m "v0.2.1 - Release *with* requirements.txt"
git push origin v0.2.1
[x] 6. If you messed up and made the tag too early and later made changes that should be added to the tag, remove the remote tag and force re-add the local tag:
[x] 8. If there's an error in either the HISTORY.rst or README.rst file, you will get an error. To narrow down this error, look for the corresponding line in outrigger.egg-info. It won't be exactly the same line because of the header but it will be closer since PKG-INFO concatenates your README.rst and HISTORY.rst files.
warning: unexpected indent on line 615 blah blah I'm pypi RST and I'm way too strict
[x] 10. Check the PyPI test server and make sure everything is there and the RST is rendered correctly.
[x] 11. Do a test installation in a conda environment using the PyPI test server
Calculate "percent-spliced in" (Psi) scores of alternative splicing on a de
novo, custom-built splicing index
positional arguments:
{index,validate,psi} Sub-commands
index Build an index of splicing events using a graph
database on your junction reads and an annotation
validate Ensure that the splicing events found all have the
correct splice sites
psi Calculate "percent spliced-in" (Psi) values using the
splicing event index built with "outrigger index"
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Release checklist
to RST:pandoc --from=markdown_github --to=rst README.md > README.rst
file, you will get an error. To narrow down this error, look for the corresponding line inoutrigger.egg-info
. It won't be exactly the same line because of the header but it will be closer sincePKG-INFO
concatenates yourREADME.rst
environment using the PyPI test server[x] 12. Check that the installation was successful.
outrigger -h
should have the following output:$ outrigger -h usage: outrigger [-h] {index,validate,psi} ...
Calculate "percent-spliced in" (Psi) scores of alternative splicing on a de novo, custom-built splicing index
positional arguments: {index,validate,psi} Sub-commands index Build an index of splicing events using a graph database on your junction reads and an annotation validate Ensure that the splicing events found all have the correct splice sites psi Calculate "percent spliced-in" (Psi) values using the splicing event index built with "outrigger index"
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit