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Code Review Sprint 2 #35

Closed shakyarl closed 2 years ago

shakyarl commented 2 years ago

In the comment section of the GitHub pull request, add the following information:

Analysis of the program. The UI of the program is beautifully setup, and it was very simple to go through. Was the program available in UC Github on time? Yes. Is the program easy for you, as an outsider, to understand? Yes. Does the program compile? Yes. Links to three commits you pushed to your group's main/master branch during Sprint 2. Commit 1 Added Javadoc

Commit 2 Remove unnecessary imports to clean up the code

Commit 3 Standardized placement for Lombok annotation for the DTOs

Three specific technical concepts that you learned from this code review: private Map<Integer, Human> allHumans = new HashMap<>();

Use of bootstrap glyphicon component

Use of data-target in button component in HTML

discospiff commented 2 years ago

From this review, I'd consider harvesting the change of the @Data annotation.