Yeregorix / Mirage

The best solution against xray users
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Specifying BlockTypes in configuration #35

Closed sidyhe closed 4 years ago

sidyhe commented 4 years ago

sponge 7.1.9 mirage 1.3.13 minecraft 1.12.2

Hi! I am trying to hide others mod's ore found that mirage only hide the ore with data 0 there are different ores, to gain them by server console, type this

/give @p forestry:resources 64 0
/give @p forestry:resources 64 1

so there are two kinds of ores, how to hide ore with all data ?

my config is here:

        Options {
            # Blocks that will be hidden by the modifier
            # The maximum Y of the section to obfuscate
            # The minimum Y of the section to obfuscate
            # The block used to replace hidden blocks
Yeregorix commented 4 years ago

forestry:resources should theoretically already targets all variants. I will do some tests as soon as I can to verify that.