Yesterday17 / ZenScript

Visual Studio Code extension/Language Server for ZenScript, includes highlight, code snippet and language server(WIP). Works with 👇
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Auto completion for methods #11

Open rlnt opened 4 years ago

rlnt commented 4 years ago


I am a modpack developer and use your VSC extension for quite a while now. I've been searching for ages for an IDE type of thing that supports Zenscript but your extension is still the best you can get right now.

So as much as I like the caching feature, the syntax highlighting and all the neat stuff, some auto completion would be insanely helpful. Like the vanilla lines from CraftTweaker Wiki for recipes or furnace something like recipe.addShapeless auto completion. I would really like to see that and hope you are still active on that project, you are doing great work here!

rlnt commented 4 years ago

This guy has really cool autocompletion and syntax highlighting for things like recipe but no registry caching, maybe you could team up?

Yesterday17 commented 4 years ago

In fact, method dump is added in the latest commit of Probe, and i just didn't implement it in this extension.

I'll take time out to implement it recently :)

rlnt commented 4 years ago

Oh great, you are still active! Glad to hear man. Would be cool if syntax highlighting would be available for this too then. So for example recipes.addShapeless isn't just gray or white.

Thanks for your work!

rlnt commented 4 years ago

Are you dead buddy? D:

Yesterday17 commented 4 years ago

hmm... I'm planning to work on this after final exam this semester(after Jan.10), sorry for waiting..

katubug commented 4 years ago

As another user of this extension, I'm really glad to hear that this might be implemented. But there's no rush, real life comes first. Hope you are having a good holiday, and thank you for this great tool!

democat3457 commented 2 years ago

any updates on this? would love to have this.

or if the repo is no longer active, how can i add them myself? (and would it also be able to provide modded method support?)